Definition of


Desperate man

Not finding a job when you have a family to take care of is a common reason for desperation, stress and overwhelm.

Despair is the name of an emotional state experienced by someone who, for some reason, has lost peace of mind and hope. One comes to suffer from this reality as a result of the helplessness , anguish and suffering generated by certain extreme situations.

The manifestations that accompany such an alteration of mood leave their mark, impacting both physically and on mental health . In extreme cases, despair can sadly lead to suicide . That is why it is essential to ask for help when you need it and pay attention to the reactions and emotions of loved ones in order to detect early warning signs linked to possible symptoms of anxiety and depression that can be appropriately addressed and diagnosed by a doctor. team of professionals.

Causes of despair

Despair can arise at any stage of life for a multitude of reasons. In no case is it advisable to judge or compare the different causes of despair , but rather to act constructively with respect , empathy and the power of containment .

It is exasperating for a young child, for example, to lose sight of his mother or father even if only for a few minutes and you have to know how to intervene to convey peace of mind , security and a solution, just as adults often get into a situation. crying crises , guilt , panic and anguish when one of their children or a pet is lost. These expressions of pain are transformed into relief and calm when, finally, the reunion is achieved with those whom one was looking for in the hope of finding them in good health. Despair , as it emerges from reality, overwhelms when you lose track of someone close to you, when a disorder or addiction causes an unbridled desire to satisfy something that is never moderated, and in contexts of tragedy, for example.

Desperation can be triggered suddenly when receiving bad news (from the confirmation of a death to the warning of an unexpected collapse or fire in the home) or persist over time as a consequence of some trauma , an accident, certain pathologies, etc. get a job, have conflictive personal relationships or are going through financial difficulties.

It must also be taken into account that victims of a state of despair do not always react the same. Yes, a tendency to social isolation , fatalism and reluctance is usually observed in them.

It is essential to try to prevent despair by promoting balance in emotional matters, but when despair becomes inevitable and it is not possible to control it, it is vital to admit the imbalance or have an environment capable of noticing instability and providing the necessary support.


In panic attacks and anxiety attacks, fear, discomfort, despair and crying become very intense.

Techniques and treatments

Although emotional outbursts and stressful scenarios do not allow you to think clearly and you come to believe that the nightmare will never end, you must always know, remember and keep in mind that there are techniques and treatments to confront, treat and overcome despair .

Good company, having projects and dreams to fulfill, appropriate medication (always prescribed, without exception, by a professional specialized in mental health) and attending therapy sessions contribute to moving forward after falling into a well of deep sadness .

It also encourages, strengthens and positively transforms the spirit to carry out activities and plans that cause pleasure , motivation and happiness . If the necessary strength to face life with joy , confidence and optimism does not arise internally, friends and relatives of the person who fights against despair and its consequences have to help them, lend their ears and stay close in order not to leave them alone and encourage them. in your healing process.


Carrying excess responsibilities and being self-demanding and perfectionist leads to a constant state of dissatisfaction , stress and nervousness.

Signs and symptoms associated with despair

The signs and symptoms associated with despair manifest themselves through behavioral changes, body signals, instinctive reactions, and emotional imbalances.

Excessive suffering or pain that pierces the soul and manifests itself with despair can increase sweating, trigger tremors, cause insomnia and cause serious deterioration. If desperation is sudden and overflows, it is expected that screams, violent impulses (such as verbally and physically attacking a subject or breaking a material element) and runs will arise as expressions of a deep and shocking shock .

Hopelessness and discouragement lead to frustration , annoyance and desolation . It is inevitable to experience concern and anguish when noticing that someone very dear and valued by one is a prisoner of bitterness and unhappiness . Although it is not possible to erase problems and solve lives by making the discomfort of the soul disappear, there are gestures, decisions and wills that make a difference.

Devoting quality time to those who need it most, providing support , exercising empathetic listening and committing to accompaniment are issues that serve others and leave a clear conscience and a pleasant feeling of peace to those who, with nobility and love , they put all that into practice.