Definition of


Construction site

The resolution of a plot is mentioned with an outcome.

The first thing we are going to do, before entering fully into the meaning of the term outcome , is to know its etymological origin. In this case, we can state that it derives from Latin and that it is the result of the sum of the following components:

-The prefix des- , which is used to indicate “from top to bottom.”

-The particle in- .

-The noun laqueus , which is synonymous with “trap”.

Concept of outcome

The idea of ​​outcome can be used with reference to the resolution or end of a conflict or the plot of a story. In a narrative or dramatic work, the outcome is the climax (the culminating instance).

For example: “I liked the German writer's new novel, although the outcome disappointed me a little,” “Tomorrow the outcome of the most successful television series of recent times will be broadcast,” “The confrontation between the government and the unions could have an imminent outcome.”


There are different types of outcomes.

The end of a story

A narrative has an introduction where the characters and events are introduced and the central conflict is stated. Then comes the knot , which involves greater complexity of events and the development of various intrigues.

The last part of the narrative is the denouement, where the knot “unravels” and the different problems of the story are resolved.

Types of outcome

If it is important to know what the outcome is, it is no less important to discover that there are different types of outcomes. Specifically, among the most significant are the following:

-The final one , which is what occurs when the problem or knot that had been raised is completely resolved. This way, the reader will be satisfied with the ending.

-The predictable , which, as its name indicates, is what is expected based on how the events in the work have unfolded.

-The open one , which is the one that is characterized because what it achieves is that the viewer does not know very well how the story ends since it is left a little to their imagination.

-The problematic one, which is the one that occurs when the problem remains absolutely unsolved.

-The happy one, which is the one that allows the protagonists of the story to be all happy with the resolution that the knot has had.

-The dilemmatic is a bit similar to the open one since it is up to the reader to “choose” the ending they consider. Of course, several options are presented to him and he will have the dilemma of choosing one to close that book.

An example

In a simplified way, we can say that, in a certain story , the approach presents us with the three main characters: a young man, a girl and an older man. The young man and the girl are in love and plan to get married, while the other man feels unrequited love for the girl. At the crux of the story, the older man kidnaps the girl, an action that leads the young man to begin a desperate search.

Finally, the outcome: the young man finds his lover, rescues her and the couple gets married. The kidnapper, for his part, ends up in jail. As can be seen, the ending allows the conflict of the knot to be resolved and closes the narrative .