Definition of

Objective description


An objective description dispenses with opinions.

Before entering fully into the meaning of the term objective description, we are going to know the etymological origin of the two words that give it shape:

Description , first of all, derives from Latin, exactly from descriptio , which means “action and effect of writing about the way in which something specific is perceived.” It is the result of the sum of three differentiated components: the prefix de- , which indicates “from top to bottom”; the verb scribere , which is synonymous with “write”, and the suffix -cion , which is used to indicate “action and effect”.

Objective , secondly, also comes from Latin. In its case it emanates from obiectus , which is formed from the union of two differentiated parts: the prefix ob- , which is synonymous with “against”, and the verb iacere , which can be translated as “throw”.

What is an objective description

Description is the narration of the characteristics or traits of something or someone. The term objective , on the other hand, can refer to that linked to an object in itself, without considering ways of feeling or thinking.

An objective description , therefore, is one that does not reflect the author's opinion . Whoever develops this type of description tries to ensure that his subjectivity does not influence the enumeration he makes.


The objective description seeks to adhere to reality.

Reality and subjectivity

It can be said that an objective description aims to adjust as closely as possible to reality , leaving aside evaluations. Therefore, we can state that the objective description is one that is characterized because it presents reality without issuing any value judgment, because it is exact and also because it is clear, while at the same time using a long list of adjectives. Of course, to all this we must add that she is very thorough.

The case of subjective description is different, where the author offers his point of view and shares his sensations or impressions. Specifically, in the subjective description many connotative adjectives are used, it usually pursues a certain aesthetic purpose and, in addition, the issuer of the same is not so concerned with reflecting reality but rather focuses fundamentally on giving an account of how it generates effects in its person, for example.

Objective description in the search for a person

When authorities try to find a missing person, it is common for them to release an objective description of their physical characteristics so that the population can commit to the search and collaborate. Therefore, the photo of the individual may appear in the media accompanied by a description that states: “They are looking for a 19-year-old young man who is 1.75 meters tall and weighs 90 kilograms. “She has brown hair, light blue eyes and a mole on her left cheek.” As can be seen, the description is objective since it does not show traits of subjectivity.

In another context, the search could be different and appeal to a subjective description. A girl can post on social networks: “I'm looking for the cutest young man in the world: I met him yesterday on the train from the west at three in the afternoon. He has eyes the color of the sky, a beautiful smile and the body of an athlete. Can you help me find it?” . The qualifiers and personal appreciations make this description not objective.