Definition of


Debridement is the act and result of debriding . This verb is used in the field of medicine to refer to the division of fibrous tissues that could generate gangrene or to the separation of those filaments that, in a sore, make it difficult to expel pus.

DebridementIt can be said, in other words , that debridement consists of removing infected, damaged or dead tissue . This protects the surrounding tissue, improving its conditions.

There are different procedures that make debridement possible. It can be carried out through surgical intervention , with the application of a chemical substance or by promoting autolysis . It is even possible to use sterile larvae that are raised in laboratories and are responsible for cleaning dead tissues.

In the event of a serious wound or burn, debridement is essential. This type of condition can lead to the development of infections if the dead tissue is not removed. That is why debridement is so important.

When it comes to vascular ulcers, it is also important to establish that debridement becomes an essential resource in their treatment. In this case, it is important to note that there are different types of debridement such as the following:

-Surgical debridement which, as its name indicates, is one that is carried out directly in the operating room.

-Biological debridement, which is carried out using what are larvae.

-Enzymatic debridement, which is based on the use of enzymatic products.

-Osmotic debridement, which is characterized because it is carried out by carrying out what is the exchange of fluids with different densities.

-Autolytic debridement, which is based on what is known as the moist environment healing principle.

Starting, therefore, from the existence of different types of debridement, when faced with a vascular ulcer, the doctor who cares for the patient who suffers from it will determine which is the most appropriate within the corresponding treatment. Specifically, to select the correct one, factors such as the person's condition, the characteristics of the ulcer, the conditions of the injury or the care that is necessary to be carried out will be taken into account.

In the field of dentistry , the process carried out to remove calculus and plaque that accumulates between teeth is called debridement. In this case, manual tools, chemicals and ultrasound are usually used in order to complete the task successfully.

Dental debridement is considered to be necessary to carry out with patients who have not been to the dentist for years and who, therefore, have not undergone the recommended cleanings. It should be noted that it is a faster process than cleaning, although it is also more complicated.

It is important to keep in mind that, in general, debridement develops naturally: the body is in a position to carry out autolytic debridement , although over a long period of time. That is why we seek to accelerate debridement to minimize risks and facilitate recovery.