Definition of


The term desbocado comes from the verb desbocar : to break or extract the mouth of something; get out of control; grow without moderation or restraint. The first meanings of the concept mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) in its dictionary are linked to weapons and tools.

RunawayA runaway barrel , in this sense, is one whose mouth is wider than the rest of the bore. A runaway instrument , on the other hand, has a damaged or worn mouth.

The idea of ​​runaway, however, is often used colloquially in different ways. A runaway animal , for example, is one that runs uncontrollably : “A runaway bull caused a tragedy in a Spanish town,” “The drivers were surprised to find a runaway horse on the avenue,” “How can you stop a runaway animal?” runaway elephant?” .

Runaway is also something that skyrockets : that is, that shows marked growth: “Political leaders have the obligation to combat the runaway racism that afflicts many regions,” “Runaway inflation causes thousands of people to fall victim every month.” in poverty” , “Unbridled militarism can only cause violence and death” .

In addition to everything indicated, we cannot ignore that this adjective is used to refer to love. Thus, it is common to speak of unbridled love to refer to that which is “crazy”, very passionate, unbridled and that seems to have no limits.

On the other hand, it is said that an individual is out of control when he expresses himself in an aggressive, indecent or rude manner : “If he continues speaking to the boss in that tone, he will be left without a job: he is out of control” , “The actor, out of control, harshly criticized to the director of the film” , “A runaway person always causes damage” .

In the field of music, the adjective in question is also used to give titles to different compositions. An example of this is the song “Caballo desbocado”, which belongs to and is performed by the heavy metal group Barón Rojo. Specifically, it is part of the record album titled “Ultimasmentes”, which was published in 2006 and is made up of thirteen songs.

The notion of runaway, finally, appears in the titles of several works : “Love is a runaway colt” by Luis Escobar Kirkpatrick , “Runaway Pleasure” by Ernesto Schoo , “Runaway Horses” by Yukio Mishima and others.

In the same way, in addition to these mentioned works, we cannot forget others that also include the term that concerns us now in their titles. This would be the case, for example, of the novel “Corazones desbocados”, which was published in Spanish in 2016 and is written by JR Ward.

Within the romantic genre is that story that tells how a woman decides to acquire a horse to become champion of different equestrian competitions. Everyone believes that she has committed something crazy, since the animal is truly untamable, but she trusts him and knows that is not the case. In addition, she will have the help of a horse specialist, who has a really difficult character and who will steal the heart of the protagonist.