Definition of


Derive dominoes

Just like in dominoes, one action can lead to many others.

The verb derive , which comes from the Latin derivāre , can be used in different ways. That which derives from a thing has its origin in it.

"give rise to"

With this use, the verb derive must be used accompanied by the preposition en and we must always indicate a point of origin and a point of destination: one thing derives from another. It would not be possible to omit either of these two points, since without one of them the meaning would be incomplete. The use of the preposition has a lesser degree of importance, because although without it the meaning would be the same, the error in this case would be merely grammatical.

Suppose someone says: "I never thought that my idea would lead to the creation of a company that currently has more than a thousand employees." As you can see, the company mentioned by this individual derives from an idea he had. First he had the idea in question and then that idea led to the development of a large company.

Taking this example once again as a reference, we could perfectly replace the verb and its corresponding preposition with the construction "give rise to": "that my idea was going to give rise to creation." The verb originate can also be used as a synonym, although in this case it is not very natural, since for it to work better it needs a noun that represents an action, from which another arises. This can be seen in the following example: "his screams caused a great commotion."

Another meaning

Derive, on the other hand, refers to guiding, transferring or taking someone or something from one place to another . The term, in this case, can be used symbolically: "I don't know where this protest is going to lead, but I hope that the rulers pay attention to the people's unrest," "The local hospital is about to collapse, that's why the doctors "They will soon begin to refer patients to other hospitals," "The idea of ​​the Minister of Economy is to convince the population to divert savings toward productive investment."

In these examples we find different nuances within the meaning of the word derive . In the first we can understand that the protest has an uncertain destiny, so to speak, so that it is impossible to predict its consequences . The second, on the other hand, talks about a very common action in the medical field: a professional stops caring for his patient and leaves him in the hands of another. This can occur for a number of reasons, but should always offer the greatest possible benefit to the patient.

The third sentence talks about allocating a certain amount of money to an investment; that is, to give it a new use to the one it was intended for.

Words derived from others

In the field of grammar , it is said that a word derives from another when it comes from its lexical base . "Song" , to mention a term, derives from "sing" . The idea of ​​deriving is also applied when there is an etymological or morphological link between two words: "domicile" derives from the Latin word domicilium .

The study of etymology is extremely important to understand the language in depth. Many times we come across words that at first glance we think we don't know, but everything changes when we take a look at their roots. It is common for two related terms to be differentiated by the presence of prefixes or suffixes, for example.

Derive mathematics

Differentiating is discovering the derivative of a function

Derivative of a function

In the field of mathematics , finally, deriving consists of discovering the derivative of a function . The derivative is called, meanwhile, the limit value that exists in the relationship between the increase in the value of a function and the increase registered by an independent variable, when this shows a trend towards zero.