Definition of

Social law


Social law arises from public law.

Inspired by postulates of justice , rights constitute the institutional order responsible for regulating human behavior in society . It is, therefore, a set of regulations that allow social conflicts to be resolved.

The law can be divided into different branches. In this sense, it is possible to speak of public law (when the State , as an authority, intervenes with its coercive powers) or private law (legal relationships are established between individuals), for example.

What is social law

The branch of social law is born in public law from changes in ways of life. Its objective is to organize and correct the inequalities that exist between social classes, with the intention of protecting people from the different issues that arise on a daily basis.

Social law, in turn, includes other branches, such as labor law , the right to social security , immigration law and agrarian law .

Interaction of the different branches

It is important to keep in mind that the division of law into various branches facilitates the study, but does not have much relevance in the specific application of legal norms. All branches of law are related to each other and interact in any legal process.

The notion of social law is less widespread than those of public law or private law. This occurs since the very definition of law assumes the existence of a social fact (that is, where the relationship between human beings comes into play within the framework of a society). Therefore, there are specialists who consider that the concept of social right does not have greater relevance.


Social law seeks to order society and correct inequalities.

Social right to housing

In order to develop correctly, all individuals must satisfy a series of needs and, when according to their economic or social situation they cannot do so, it is the responsibility of the States to solve these deficiencies, in order to promote the development of a community with equal opportunities. and conditions ; This is what is meant by life in democracy. However, it only remains in theory, since it is enough to look around us to find inequality, frustration, helplessness, poverty and, of course, the constant violation of the social rights of individuals .

The right to housing is included within the social right and is linked to the importance of satisfying one of the needs that every human being has: a place of refuge that they can call home. Satisfying this need will allow it to develop with dignity and safety, being able to lead a private and family life, protected from any danger that could attack it from outside the nest.

The violation of this right, therefore, results in the violation of the physical and mental integrity of the individual, which will affect not only their behavior within their group-family but will have repercussions on the entire social environment .

If we take into account the problems that are taking place in Spain as a result of the thousands of homes seized by banks and mass evictions, we can understand the true importance of this right . People who have suffered the consequences of eviction have even taken their own lives because they feel absolutely humiliated in front of the people.

In the Weimar Constitution , issued in 1919 , in the section dedicated to civil issues there is a specific article referring to housing, as an inviolable necessity on the part of the States; On the other hand, with regard to the international level, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights , this right is also referred to extensively. Despite this, from that year until today this right has been systematically violated .