Definition of



A predator is an animal that hunts for its subsistence.

Before determining the meaning of the term predator , it is necessary to make clear its etymological origin. In this sense, we would have to say that it emanates from Latin, more precisely from the word "depraedator", which can be translated as "looter" and is made up of the following parts:

• The prefix “de-“, which indicates direction from top to bottom.

• The noun “praeda”, which can be translated as “dam”.

• The suffix “-tor”, which is equivalent to “agent”.

Predator concept

Predator is the adjective that refers to the one who preys . The verb prey , for its part, is linked to robbing and looting with violence or, in the case of animals, to the action of hunting specimens of another species for subsistence.

For example: "For zebras, the lion is a fearsome predator that can end their lives in a few seconds" , "The prosecutor assured that the accused acted like a predator: he entered the house, murdered the inhabitants and took all the valuable objects while destroying what he was not interested in” , “The teacher asked us to prepare a picture with the main predators of the African savanna and their prey” .


Predator and prey are related through a biological interaction.

Type of biological interaction

For ecology , predation is a biological interaction in which the predator hunts prey to survive. An animal can be a predator of several different species and, in turn, be prey to others.

It should be noted that predation contributes to the balance of the ecosystem , since it allows controlling the number of individuals of the species. The reproduction of a species without control in the absence of a predator can alter the balance of the ecosystem in question.

Predator, a science fiction character

Predator o predator es el nombre que tiene una criatura inventada para el género de la ciencia ficción en el ámbito del cine. Se identifica porque tiene como objetivo conseguir a personas como si fueran trofeos y apareció por primera vez en la gran pantalla en el año 1987.

Jim and John Thomas were the creators of this being, which not only has energy weapons but also a great camouflage capacity that allows it to get all the prey it wants. There are numerous films in which this type of creature has appeared, an example of this being “Alien vs Predator” and even in the short “Batman Dead End”.

Title of a movie

Predator , on the other hand, is the film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger that was released in 1987 and had several sequels. As we already indicated, the predators, in the film, are extraterrestrial beings that hunt humans and other species. History tells that this alien race has been in contact with human beings since 14,000 years ago , when it arrived in Antarctica .

It should not be overlooked either that this type of fantastic creature has also made different forays into the world of comics. Thus, the specialized publisher Dark Horse has not hesitated to confront such well-known characters as Superman, Batman, Terminator or even Tarzan, without forgetting either Wonder Woman, the Green Lantern or Aquaman.