Definition of


Before proceeding to know the meaning of the term deportation, let's discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can state that it is a word that derives from Latin. Exactly it is the result of the sum of three components of said language:

-The prefix «de-«, which is used to indicate «from top to bottom».

-The verb «portare», which is synonymous with «carry».

-The suffix "-cion", which is used to represent "action and effect."

Deportation is the act and consequence of deporting . This verb (deport), for its part, refers to forcibly sending a person to a place - foreign or not - as a punishment.

DeportationDeportation is linked to exile since it involves expelling the individual from a certain territory. In general, it is a political measure whose objective is to remove from a country or a region those who do not comply with certain norms or principles.

An immigrant whose residence in a State is not legalized may be a victim of deportation. In these cases, the national authorities expel the immigrant and send him back to his place of origin. It is not a decision of the person, but the deportation is carried out compulsorily: it is not possible to oppose it.

In other cases, deportation may be due to a religious or ethnic reason : a government decides that those who belong to a certain group can no longer reside in its territory. Deportations can even be the first step to genocide, as happened when the Nazi regime deported Jews and other groups to concentration camps to be murdered. The victims were taken from their homes and forcibly transferred to extermination centers.

In the same way, we cannot ignore that deportations also occurred in 15th century Spain. Specifically, for an ethnic and religious reason, the Jews were expelled from that land and a few centuries later the same thing also happened, but in this case with the Moriscos.

Although it is usual for the deportee to be sent abroad , internal deportations also exist. In the 19th century , for example, the US government promoted the deportation of Aboriginal peoples from the east to the west of the nation . Through mechanisms such as the purchase of land and the signing of treaties, many indigenous people had to abandon their homes and settle in another part of the United States soil.

Currently, in Spain, for example, the expulsion of non-Spanish citizens can be determined when they commit serious or very serious infractions such as:

-Participating in activities that threaten national security and that can damage the country's relations with other nations.

-Facilitate, promote, promote or facilitate for profit what is clandestine immigration to Spain or in transit.

-Carry out the hiring of foreign workers without having previously obtained the necessary work and residence authorization.

-Being irregularly in the country because you do not have a residence permit, because it has expired for more than three months or because you have not been able to obtain an extension of stay.