Definition of



A dependent person needs the assistance of another to survive.

The idea of ​​dependent comes from the verb depend : to be conditioned by something or someone or to be tied, subject or subordinate to it or to it. As an adjective, dependent allows you to describe someone who depends .

For example: “I have a very young son who is dependent on me” , “Tragedy in a nursing home dependent on the municipal government” , “The Production Secretariat, dependent on the Ministry of Economy, announced the hiring of thirty young professionals to promote development industrial in the north of the country .

Dependent people

A bedridden elderly man, who cannot move on his own, is a dependent man : he needs to be accompanied by another person who can assist him. Their subsistence, therefore, is directly linked to the help they receive from third parties. Without that support, he is not in a position to continue living.

In a romantic relationship , overly dependent people often suffer greatly from the distance and the moments in which they are not with each other. It is very difficult to define the way in which we should treat our friends or partners, since each one has their own needs and expectations, but the most important thing is to prevent our fears from taking over the situation.

Of course, being too dependent on another person is not always part of the fear; In some cases, the problem is due to the fact that in the parental home the subject did not learn to organize his own life , and that is why when he goes out to look for new relationships he needs others to do many things for him.

Subordinate structures

A certain structure is said to be dependent on another when it must be accountable to it and obey its instructions, or when its operation depends on the resources it receives.

A hospital is dependent on a provincial government if it obtains the funds it needs from the budget of a province, and not from a municipality or the nation .


The employee who serves the public in a supermarket or store is known as a clerk.

Dependent as a noun

As a noun , clerk is the name given to the worker whose function is to serve the people who come to a store . A greengrocer, for example, may have several employees who are dedicated to delivering products to customers. In certain businesses, such as supermarkets, clerks are only found in some sectors, since customers generally serve themselves.

The job of a clerk can be one of the easiest to get, since it generally does not require very specific skills, but it is also one of the most exhausting because of how difficult it can be to deal with a large number of clients. up to date, always with a smile, without getting angry at the excessive demands or insults that are usually part of daily life in a commercial store.

Problems at work

One of the greatest difficulties that the clerk must face is mistreatment by clients, who have a power greater than theirs, closer to that of their supervisors and employers, because of that classic phrase that society imprints on our minds since small: "the customer is always right." While it is true that good care must be based on respect, this must be mutual , a condition that is increasingly less met.

Another disadvantage of the clerk's job is usually the demanding hours, especially in cities where it is customary to close the stores at siesta time. While in an office working hours can begin at eight in the morning and end at four or five in the afternoon, commerce needs longer opening times to be able to serve the largest possible audience, both those They have free mornings as well as those who take advantage of the lunch break to do their shopping or those who visit the stores at night.