Definition of

Too much

Too muchThe term too can be used as an adjective , pronoun or adverb . The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) recognizes more than a dozen uses of this concept, which usually refers to a magnitude, a figure or an intensity that is indefinite, but excessive .

Too much can refer to an amount that is very large . For example: “I have too many problems to add another one,” “There are too many people in this bar, let's go somewhere quieter,” “Taking into account your level of activity, I think the company has too many employees.”

The idea can also reflect the valuation of something when linked to a singular countable noun that is used as a non-count: “It's too much of a car for me! I don't want such a luxurious vehicle” , “I think it's too much of a hotel for us” , “Too much machine for such a simple task” .

Sometimes, too much refers to a greater intensity than is convenient: “It's too hot to walk in the sun,” “It's snowing too much to walk to the restaurant,” “If it doesn't rain too much, this afternoon we're going to go play soccer.” .

Excessive time or frequency , on the other hand, can be mentioned with this adverb: “You have been in bed too long; It's time for him to get up" , "I'm worried that my son is exposing himself too much" , "I've cried too much and the time has come to move on" .

Although the terms are often used too much and too interchangeably, it is necessary to highlight that they are not synonyms. While very serves to intensify an adjective, a non-comparative adverb or a prepositional phrase, to indicate a high degree of the property it mentions, the word too always refers to an excess in said degree, and therefore serves to describe situations negative or, at least, unnecessary.

Let's look at an example to better understand this difference. If we say "Paula is a very studious girl" , we imply that Paula is a person who responsibly assumes her obligation to study, who dedicates a reasonable amount of time to reviewing her notes, reading and practicing, for example. On the other hand, "Paula is an overly studious girl" can refer to the fact that she cannot let go of her studies for fear of failing, that she may neglect her health by sleeping little, and that she may even achieve results that are opposite to those desired.

Too muchSimilarly, "You are very attentive" can be synonymous with "Thank you very much" , while "You are too attentive" can denote the suspicion that the other is hiding some interest that leads him to be so attentive.

Another use of too much relates to a limit that is exceeded in terms of tolerance or ability to bear: “This is too much! “I'm not going to allow you to continue treating me this way,” “My grandmother's death was too much for me.”

In these last two examples, it is not necessary to add information because the interlocutor can understand from context the implicit meaning of the term too . In the first sentence we could say that we are talking about "too much violence" or "too much injustice", while in the second it is likely that the sender is expressing "too much sadness" or "too much suffering."

If the feeling or sensation caused by the situation that awakens this use of the word too much in us is not so negative, then we can say that the expression "this is the last straw " is also valid as a synonym, something that can be seen in the following sentences of example: «This is the last straw! You haven't tidied your room in a month now," "His way of addressing the employer was the last straw, and that cost him his job," "For him to show up at the party tonight would be the last straw."