Definition of


SlimThe adjective thin comes from the Latin word delicātus . Applied to a person, it means that it is someone who is skinny , of little weight . For example: “You are very thin, are you eating correctly?” , “I'm looking for my nephew: he is a tall and thin boy, with brown hair” , “The thin actor had to modify his physiognomy to play the president in his new movie” .

According to today's conventional aesthetic standards, thinness is often considered attractive . A thin individual, in this framework, has a better chance of succeeding in the world of fashion or the entertainment industry than an overweight person. However, someone who is thin may suffer from some type of eating disorder or other problem. Only a health professional can indicate what the appropriate weight of a subject is.

The media gives us an ambiguous message: on the one hand, they push us to lose weight to look thin, assuring us that being overweight is harmful to our health and does not allow us to do justice to our natural beauty; On the other hand, they tell us that no one should judge us by our physical appearance , and that only our feelings matter. Of course, it is enough to take a look at the bodies of famous men and women to see that thinness is an almost inevitable requirement for success.

One of the points that we should never overlook when we decide to start a diet to lose weight is our age: the same eating routine does not work in all cases, since at each stage of our life we ​​need different nutrients to develop in a healthy way . In fact, most people only need to break their sedentary lifestyle to achieve a slimmer figure. Added to all this is the bone structure: thinness is different in each body, and that is why the important thing is to find balance .

Children and adolescents need to eat a varied and abundant diet to grow without problems; Once youth is reached, it is possible to do without certain products, since the body does not require them and they often cause abnormal weight gain. It is important to highlight that there is no point in skipping meals , especially if it is breakfast, since this causes a considerable decrease in physical and mental performance , in addition to an imbalance in nutrition that often has the opposite effect to that desired.

SlimSomething thin, on the other hand, has a reduced thickness or is delicate : “Could you cut me a thin piece of ham, please?” , “I suggest you look for a thinner coat since it is not so cold” , “The edge of the pizza should be thin so that it does not end up raw” .

This adjective can also be used figuratively, to refer to something that easily goes unnoticed or that has a weak ideological basis. For example, it is common to hear that the line between two concepts is thin, and this means that in certain contexts it is not easy to distinguish them. If the line between a positive attitude and a negative one is thin, we face a problem, since we will not always know how to qualify the behavior appropriately.

Delgado is also a common surname in Spain and Latin America . Marcelo “Chelo” Delgado , to cite one case, is a former soccer player who was part of the Argentine national team. Washington Delgado (1927-2003), for his part, was a Peruvian writer who was a member of the Peruvian Academy of Language . The Spanish Anita Delgado (1890-1962), meanwhile, stood out as a dancer.

In El Salvador , Delgado is the name of a municipality that belongs to the department of San Salvador . Cabo Delgado , finally, is a province that is part of the territory of Mozambique .