Definition of


DeflectionThe idea of ​​deflection , coming from the Latin word deflexio , is used in the field of physics to name the act of diverting the direction of a current or a fluid . This is the definition provided by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), although the concept has several uses.

In the field of engineering, the deformation that an element registers from the application of a force is known as deflection. Deflection, in this framework, is generated by internal bending .

It is possible to calculate the deflection according to the laws that link forces and displacements through a geometric or energy method. Deflection is a structural response to load applications.

The concept of structural response is located in the field of structural analysis , that is, the application of the resistance equations of materials (the discipline of various fields of engineering that is dedicated to the study of the mechanics of deformable solids through models simplified) to find the internal forces (also called section forces , these are physical quantities used to calculate prismatic pieces, sheets and plates), the tensions and deformations that directly affect a resistant structure, such as skeletons or buildings.

In this framework, it is possible to estimate deflections using different calculation methods, some of which are the following:

* real work : this is the method that takes advantage of the principle of conservation of energy, which ensures that the total energy in any physical system that is isolated does not vary over time, although it can change its form. The energy produced by the external work must be equal to that of the internal work that deforms the product due to the stresses generated by the loads. This method is limited to the analysis of a single unknown;

* Castigliano : it is the partial derivative of the elastic deformation, as a function of the force. The basis of this method used to estimate deflections is found in the Castigliano theorems , created by the Italian engineer Carlo Alberto Castigliano in the 19th century;

* virtual work : it is the one that offers the most versatility within the group of those traditionally used for the evaluation of elastic deflections. It can only be applied to cases in which overlap is permitted;

* double integration : used to observe the curvature equation of the beam, which emerges from analyzing the differential of its elastic line in pure bending;

* moment area : used to calculate deflections of beams and frames, as well as slopes;

Deflection* of the conjugate beam : basically, it consists of changing the deflections and slopes that occur on a beam through a system of applied loads. Since it does not require knowing a point of zero tangent in advance, it allows the deflection and slope at any point to be determined.

The concept of deflection is also used in psychology . In this case, deflection functions as a defense mechanism that consists of deflecting or avoiding contact, an emotion or a sensation. If a certain situation causes stress in an individual, the subject can resort to deflection to escape from this situation and not be forced to face it.

Deflection causes the person to carry out an action that they do not need or that allows them not to do something that they actually want to do. Everything to block what you don't want to experience.

In the field of botany, finally, the notion of deflection is used to refer to the downward inclination of one or more organs . A deflected flower exhibits its twisted peduncle.