Definition of


The term decrepit has its etymological origin in Latin. It derives exactly from "decrepitus", which is the result of the sum of two very different parts, such as these:

-The prefix "de".

-The verb "crepare", which is synonymous with "to creak" or "to make a dry noise."

It is an adjective that describes that or that which, due to old age or seniority , suffers a noticeable deterioration in its condition .

DecrepitFor example: "That decrepit old man is in no condition to tell me what to do!" , "I have been sleeping in a decrepit armchair for three nights: all my bones hurt" , "The security guard was shocked to see a decrepit old man stealing coins from the fountain" .

Suppose a tourist stays for four nights in a very old, poorly maintained hotel . Upon returning home, he details his bad experience on a travel social network, stating that it is a "decrepit" hotel establishment because its elevators do not work, the carpets have stains, the tables and chairs in the dining room are broken, and the building has serious electrical problems.

Decrepit is also proper or characteristic of someone or something decrepit : "The decrepit appearance of the city's public buildings is lamentable" , "Her decrepit way of getting around did not prevent her from walking about ten kilometres" , "The woman's decrepit appearance surprised her neighbours" .

If someone speaks of a person's "decrepit state," he or she is referring to his or her poor appearance and physical problems. A 50-year-old man who, due to drug addiction, has lost his teeth, is unemployed, wears dirty, old clothes, and has to walk with the aid of a cane is evidence of a "decrepit state."

Likewise, we cannot ignore the use of the term in several song titles. A good example of this is the composition "Viejo decrépito" by El Muertho de Tijuana. It is part of his album "Padre Santo", which was released in 2015 and is part of the rock genre.

In the field of literature, we find the book entitled “Stories from a decrepit neighborhood. Memories of an alienated mind,” written by Curzio. In 2016, this work was published, which is a collection of stories halfway between the pulp genre and the crime novel.

These stories address issues such as sex, violence, drugs and lies, set in the Estrecho neighbourhood in Madrid.

It is also interesting to know that among the synonyms of decrepit are obsolete, old , decadent, finished, senile, past or old. On the other hand, as for its antonyms, some stand out such as new, brand new, shiny, robust, healthy, vigorous, robust or energetic, among others.