Definition of



Decoding is the process and result of decoding.

The first step we are going to take to know the meaning of the term decoding is to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we have to explain that it derives from Latin, since it is the result of the sum of several components of said language:

-The prefix “de-”, which is used to indicate “from top to bottom”.

-The noun “codex”, which is synonymous with “record” or “code”.

-The verb “facere”, which can be translated as “to make”.

-The suffix “-cion”, which is used to indicate “action and effect”.

Decoding concept

The idea of ​​decoding , which can also be mentioned as decoding , alludes to the act and consequence of decoding (or decoding). This verb, in turn, refers to applying the rules of a code in reverse to a message that is encoded, with the aim of accessing its original format.

It can be said that decoding is the opposite process of encoding . While encoding makes a message unintelligible or inaccessible, decoding makes those symbols available to the receiver again. Many times this procedure is carried out with a device called a decoder .

The example of television broadcasts

Take the case of sporting events whose television transmission is encoded so that only those people who pay a certain amount and have a decoder can receive it correctly. The signal in question is first encrypted: it cannot be seen on ordinary televisions.

However, when the signal reaches a decoder connected to the TV, the device proceeds to decode it and then the user can observe the unencoded images.


There are different types of decoding.

Biological decoding

Biological decoding , on the other hand, is a technique that links a physical situation to an event that left a psychological mark on the person. In this way, its defenders claim, biological decoding makes it possible to find the cause of diseases and organic problems and treat them through an intervention on the psychological aspect of the patient.

According to biological decoding, diseases are opaque sets of symptoms that must be biodecoded to understand the biological functions and then find the conflicting event in the past that would have generated the present discomfort.

Characteristics of the technique

In addition to everything stated above, we can highlight another series of relevant aspects of biological decoding, among which are the following:

-It is considered to have its origin in different scientific investigations carried out by professionals in Europe in the 1980s.

-Among the advantages that biological decoding is considered to have, according to those who defend it, is that it offers the patient different tools to find the solution to the symptom they feel. In the same way, it is also believed that it allows us to release emotions, that it puts an end to situations that really cause suffering and that it even “erases” the memory of pain.

-It is divided into two fundamental stages: education and information.

-It is described by many medical experts as pseudoscience because they question whether it can really cure a person with its procedures and techniques.