Definition of


In order to know the meaning of the term tanning, it is necessary, first of all, to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can state that it is a word that derives from Latin, exactly from the verb "conterere", which can be translated as "to wear down by rubbing", "to peel something from its outer layer" or "to crush".

The term has various uses depending on the context.

TanThe first meaning mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) refers to the preparation and treatment given to the skin obtained from a dead animal in order to be able to use it.

When tanning a skin , it is turned into leather , ensuring that said skin no longer rots. Usually the skin is first cured with salt and pressed. Then it is washed and the hair is removed. Then comes the time of tanning, which can be developed using a vegetable method or a mineral method.

In the first case, the skin can be tanned with tannin , a substance from oak, quebracho, chestnut and other trees. If mineral tanning is preferred, chrome is used. Once the leather is tanned, it can be waxed, oiled and dyed.

In order to properly tan the leather, a series of important recommendations must be taken into account, such as the following:

-The drying of the skin, once it has been washed, will take approximately a week and it is essential to ensure that it is well stretched because the more it is stretched, the larger it will be in the end.

-When removing the hair, you must take into consideration that if it is very long, the first thing will be to cut it to be able to perform that function much more easily.

-It is essential that those who tann the leather wear gloves as well as protective glasses at all times because they can use products that can be not only toxic but also corrosive.

-As for the skin smoking process, it must be taken into account that there are certain smokes that can bring with them a specific result in terms of the skin's color. Thus, the smoke from corn cobs gives the skin a yellowish tone while the smoke from white pine contributes to making it acquire a black tone.

What the air and sun do to a person's skin is also called tanning. For example: "I suggest you use sunscreen since this outdoor work is going to tan your skin," "My skin is tanned from walking on the beach so much."

Hardening, on the other hand, is getting used to a difficulty or adversity , becoming stronger: "I think this experience is going to harden Mariano" , "I never thought I would get hardened in this club, but he has already been in the institution for ten years and "I am prepared for any challenge."

In the popular or vulgar language of Argentina , finally, curtir can refer to having sexual relations or harming someone : "When the movie ended, we went tanning," "I suspect that my partner wants to tan me, so I'm going to be very attentive."