Definition of



A course is called structured training that revolves around a particular topic.

The term course derives from the Latin word cursus , which can be translated into Spanish as “career.” It is a word that refers to the period of time established annually for teaching classes in an educational institution . For example: “Last year I passed four subjects” , “The current course will end around Christmas” , “I have never faced students as difficult as in this course” .

The study of a subject , structured as a unit, is also identified with the name of the course: “Miguel signed up for a photography course,” “The boss recommended that I enroll in a graphic design course to expand my field of action within of the company” , “Tomorrow I can't go to the field since I have to attend the English course” .

Another use of the concept is linked to the group of students who attend the same grade or are at the same academic level : “This week I will go with my classmates to the museum,” “I think I know that girl… she is a classmate of my sister” , “The director has just assigned me another course: I already have a full day” .

The course as a journey

It is also worth mentioning that the term refers to the direction of a circumstance or the line that runs through a river or a means of transportation.

The so-called water courses are those that are formed by current water moving along the same channel. A course can be made up of torrents and streams that act as tributaries of a river that, in turn, flows into the sea .

The characteristics of watercourses are determined by the way they are fed and the particularities of their bed (i.e. layout, width, etc.). It is important to keep in mind that the bed usually changes shape almost constantly due to erosion and alluvium. It is also worth mentioning that there are three types of water courses: upper course, middle course and lower course, and that according to the flow rate and the speed with which the aquifer mass moves, it will be determined which of these denominations it belongs to.


The path of a river is known as its course.

Succession of phases of a disease

On the other hand, the different phases of the patient's process, that is, its evolution, are known as the course of a disease . Scientists know each of these stages by the symptoms that the patient presents, in this way as they change they can know the point in the process at which the disease is.

For example, the course of a normal wound can be divided into the following phases: First stage (inflammatory process, vasodilation process, infiltration of leukocytes, formation of neocapillaries), Second stage (appearance of fibroblasts) and Third stage (appearance of the collagen and complete healing).

The concept of course in different phrases

Some phrases can use this term but mean different things, here we give you some examples:

* Let things take their course : Don't become more upset about something and let circumstances show the way, without worrying too much about things that seem to have no apparent solution .

* Take the course or the reins of your life : Make decisions about existence and choose the right path for our life. It is usually used to tell someone, who has allowed themselves to be overcome by different events, to stop "doing nonsense" and "get their act together" regarding the path they want to follow.

* Give progress to something : Start. It is usually used to refer to the beginning of a procedure that may take a certain amount of time. Also to talk about the opening of a store, school year or other similar event.