Definition of



A cave is a hole that can arise naturally or be created artificially.

A cave is a hole or depression in the ground that can be produced by the action of nature or artificially through the actions of humans . For example: "The explorer fell into a cave that was hidden behind some branches" , "The cave paintings in this cave are the oldest in the country" , "The workers built a cave in the mountain to take refuge from storms" .

Erosion produced by water , the dissolution of rocks or the passage of lava are some of the natural events that can lead to the creation of a cave. These spaces, so particular and attractive to many, can be used as a home or shelter , something that was very common in prehistory.

Specialists in the study of caves are known as speleologists , and the science that brings together these experts is called speleology . Cavers use waterproof suits and helmets for protection, since caves are humid environments where rock falls can occur.

The most famous caves in the world

Among the most famous caves in the world are the Cueva de Altamira (in Cantabria , Spain ) and the Cueva de las Manos ( Santa Cruz , Argentina ), recognized for housing rock art and being part of the World Heritage Site .

Other impressive caves:

Cave of the giant crystals, Mexico

It is one of the most recent wonders of nature. It was discovered at the beginning of this millennium and boasts impressive large gypsum crystals. Another of its characteristics, which cannot be overlooked, is its temperature: the maximum it can reach is 58 degrees, which is why a human being cannot survive inside it for more than half an hour.

Enchanted Well, Brazil

This cave is located in the Chapada Diamantina National Park and is one of the most popular places among tourists who love ecology . Its name derives from the nuances that its waters acquire due to the effect of the sun's rays at certain hours.

Jeita Grotto, Lebanon

It is located 20 kilometers from the capital of Lebanon , Beirut , more precisely in the Nahr al-Kalb valley and is considered one of the wonders of the world. This grotto is made up of a cave that is crossed by the Río del Perro , two limestone caves and some galleries in its highest part. Its greatest attraction lies in its stalagmites and stalactites, which arose due to water erosion .

Waitomo Caves, New Zealand

It is a series of caves whose strong point is a type of worm that emits light to attract its prey, and which lives on the ceiling in large numbers, generating a picture similar to a starry sky. Admiring the walls of these caves is a spectacle like no other.

Crystal Caves, Bermuda Islands

They are located in Hamilton and it is one of the busiest places in the archipelago. At 36 meters deep, it boasts dimensions that few caves in the entire world can surpass. Lake Cashow passes through its interior and also has rock formations on its roofs that leave its visitors speechless.

Dongzhong Cave, China

In addition to offering impressive views, this cave has a school inside it. It is located in a village in southwest China that did not have funds to build its educational center elsewhere.


Caves are often used for different purposes.

Headquarters of illegal activities

Cave, on the other hand, is a concept used to name the place where criminals gather or where illegal activities are carried out.

"That place is a den of thieves"y "The Police raided a cave where money was counterfeited"son expresiones que muestran este uso.