Definition of


snow sport

A slope is a sloping terrain.

Cuesta is a term that can have two different etymological origins, which gives rise to two different meanings. According to the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) , on the one hand, cost can come from the Latin costa ( "side" ) while, on the other hand, the word can derive from quaestus (linked to the action of negotiating ).

In the first case, a slope can be a type of relief that is sloping . In this way, a declination or slope is created. For example: “The man stumbled and rolled down the slope, suffering multiple fractures in his extremities,” “Be careful with Manuel, don't let him get close to the slope,” “To get to the shelter, we have to walk two hours uphill.” ” .

Emergence of a slope

The slope arises as a result of erosion in the parts of the sedimentary terrain whose layers have a slight inclination. In its front part you can see a slope (also called pedrero , it is an accumulation of fragments of broken stone) and on the other side, a slope with a moderate slope. A well-known slope is the Niagara Escarpment in North America .

For a slope to form, there must first be a sedimentary basin of layers that alternate between hard and soft, and that all present a slight inclination. Erosion shapes these layers transversely with respect to the direction of their slope and thus a relief is formed that is characterized by the aforementioned slope and slope.

The slope at the front of the slope is seen standing on the depression that erosion excavates in the underlying soft layer, and is crowned by a hard layer that resembles a cornice. On its reverse side, the slope appears as a plateau with a slight inclination in the opposite direction to the slope. Valleys that descend in this direction are classified as cataclinal , while those that descend in the direction of the front are called anaclinal .

The water courses that run along a catacline slope excavate a new valley; Perpendicular tributaries, for their part, produce orthoclinal or subsequent valleys.

Sometimes, the front of a slope is more resistant to erosion and when it recedes due to its effect, it leaves an island hill (which is also known as the witness hill ), which tops off the hard rock found on the back. In a basin it is possible to find a series of slopes. When the slope of the terrain is very strong, the English term hogback (whose literal meaning is pork loin ) is used to name them.


A slope arises due to erosion.

symbolic use of the notion

The use of the term costs can also be symbolic . The idea of ​​going up a hill can be played with as something complicated, while things that are downhill are those that seem to collapse or fall quickly: “We started the game losing by ten points, which made the process difficult for us.” up” , “I thought I had everything well thought out, but the first setback made the business go downhill” .

As threatening as an uphill climb may seem in a symbolic sense , it also promises a great reward to those who manage to climb it and overcome all the dangers it hides along its slope. In the same way, the downhill can generate vertigo, but it is up to us to find the balance to overcome it and return to the plain.

The cost as a donation request

If we link the term to the second etymological origin that we mentioned, the cost or costing is the request for a donation for a charitable purpose.

“The last climb has allowed us to raise thousands of pesos for orphaned children”, “The issue of the Healthy Life Association was key to the construction of a first aid room in the neighborhood”“It's almost time for the Christmas season to start: we hope for your help” son ejemplos de este uso.