Definition of


Arithmetic operation

An account can be an arithmetic operation.

Account is the action and effect of counting (numbering or computing things that are considered homogeneous units, putting someone in their corresponding number , referring to an event, taking into account).

An account, therefore, can be a calculation or an arithmetic operation . For example: “Can you help me with this account? It is difficult for me to multiply numbers with decimals” , “If my account has not gone wrong, we have to pay twenty dollars each” , “The account indicates that, on this occasion, we spent more than the first time” .

For accounting , the account is the element that allows the classification of financial and commercial operations to be carried out. Through the accounts, which are usually graphed in the shape of a T and divided into Debit ( Debit ) and Credit ( Haber ), these operations are recorded in the accounting books.

Bank account

Another use of the concept mentions the account as the deposit of money that is made in a financial institution. The current account is one that can be a debtor or a creditor; The user, therefore, can use money on credit (incur debt) and pay it later. Another type of account is the savings account , through which the user only has at their disposal the money they have deposited: “I want to make a withdrawal, please: I have an account at the downtown branch” , “There was a problem with the bank account and I couldn't make the transfer.”

The requirements for obtaining a particular type of bank account vary by institution, as do the conditions of use, additional services, maintenance fees and restrictions. For example, most banks charge fees for making money transfers, and the rates are different in each case. Likewise, it is common for a tax to be charged for renewing credit and debit cards every year.


There are different types of bank accounts.

a membership

The term can also be used as a synonym for membership , referring to membership in a group or entity. This is especially true on the Internet, as we live in an era characterized by close relationships between service providers and their customers . In this sense, having an account on a website means having registered in its database , being part of its user portfolio.

We speak of a unified account system when several devices or applications share the personal data of the same user . This is especially useful for people who regularly consume products from a specific company and want to maintain their profiles when they renew their devices, or for sets of programs and tools that benefit from the information collected by others to offer a more fluid and reliable experience. .

When two or more devices allow the unification of user accounts, the history of actions performed on each of them, as well as certain sensitive information , such as credit card numbers, are usually available from the rest, which results in greater comfort. One of the strong points of this implementation is seen when a device suffers irreparable damage or is lost; the economic loss is not compounded by that of personal information, which is often of vital importance.

Counts as incumbency, position or reason

Account is also the reason for something or the care, position or incumbency : “María is no one to ask for an account of my actions” , “Boys, the next round of beer is on me” .

On the other hand, the expression clear accounts refers to a relationship in which there are no misunderstandings or unresolved issues; It can also be used literally to refer to the absence of debts or the knowledge of them, without the risk of them not being paid adequately.