Definition of


AmountThe idea of ​​quantity refers to a quantity (a portion or a number). The concept is usually used with respect to a measurement that is vague, imprecise or indeterminate.

For example: “The amount of the fee that restaurants must pay has not yet been defined,” “Social works intend to increase the amount they receive each month,” “The novel contest announced an increase in the amount of the reward.” economic award that it grants to the winner.”

Suppose that a government grants aid of 1,000 pesos per month to university students in technical careers. If, in the face of an economic crisis, they decide to cut that aid by 50% and start delivering 500 pesos a month , it can be said that the amount was reduced.

Take the case of a resolution that forces bars to pay a fee equivalent to 5% of their gross income if they wish to use public space to place outdoor chairs and tables. If the authorities decide to increase this fee to 7% of gross income, the amount to be paid by bars will grow.

The pension is a payment that can be temporary or for life due to a particular situation or having reached the age limit established by law to carry out a work activity; Taking the second meaning (that is, as a synonym for retirement ), in Spain its amount is determined by taking the regulatory basis and applying the corresponding general percentage according to the number of years that the person has contributed.

If the taxpayer accesses retirement having exceeded the current ordinary age limit, then the additional percentage for extension of working life must also be applied, as well as the reduction coefficient corresponding to each particular case.

The sum of faculties or qualities that define an individual or a thing is also called quantity. That or that of a large amount is valued and relevant. On the contrary, something of little value is insignificant or has little value : “We hope that López recovers soon since he is a player of great value for the team” , “I am not going to worry about someone of lesser value” , “It started “committing almost irrelevant crimes but then he turned to larger crimes.”

AmountAnother meaning of the word amount is the volume or computable quantity of a thing, which may well be goods or money, depending on the case. From a legal point of view, it is about the value of the things that are disputed in a dispute and determines the competence of the judges.

Known as the provision for environmental actions , on the other hand, it is the amount that a company receives to meet its contractual, legal or implicit obligations, or the commitments it acquires, as long as its goal is the repair or prevention of damage to the environment.

The amounts that are intended to cover the expenses to rehabilitate the environment due to having dismantled or removed an asset do not fall into this category, but must be included in a specific account .

It is important to highlight the imprecise nature or lack of measurement that characterizes the concept of amount, since it is often used in a purely theoretical sense, different from that used by the term quantity or amount , for example, which are usually accompanied by specific values. In other words, it is not so correct to use the word quantity in a formal text as a synonym for quantity , if reference is not made to the defined numerical values ​​but to what they represent, although in everyday speech it is possible to exchange them without affecting the interlocutor's understanding.