Definition of


Cascading StyleSheets

CSS is short for Cascading StyleSheets.

The acronym CSS corresponds to the English expression Cascading StyleSheets , which can be translated as "Cascading Style Sheets" . The concept is used in the field of computing to refer to a language used in graphic design .

The CSS language allows you to present, in a structured way, a document that was written in a markup language . It is especially used in the visual design of a website when the pages are written in XML or HTML .

CSS development

We must go back to the 1990s to know the origin of CSS. And it was in 1994 when it was proposed by Hakon Wium Lie . He was co-creator of that one with the Dutch scientist Bert Bos .

The CSS was developed at different levels. CCS1 is no longer used, while CSS2 serves as a recommendation. CSS3 , which is divided into several modules, is the language that is being taken as a standard.

Regarding CSS3 we can establish that there are more than 50 published modules, although among the most important are Namespaces, Selectors and Color.

What CSS does is take care of the description of the forms and the syntax of the markup language . In this way it describes how the elements that appear on the screen must be rendered (images generated).


The CSS language is used in the visual design of websites.

Advantages of this language

The CSS design makes it possible to establish a separation between the content and the way the document is presented (given by the fonts, colors and layers used). This way you can make many HTML documents share the same appearance, using a single style sheet for all (which is specified in a .css file). Thanks to this feature, you avoid having to repeat the code in the structure.

Thanks to the separation of the content and the form of presentation, on the other hand, different styles can be used according to the rendering method: whether it is a document displayed on a screen, printed, shared in audio format, etc.


In addition to all of the above, we can emphasize that thanks to CSS you can create web pages with a design that can be attractive and pleasant. Of course, in order to use it, it is essential to have basic knowledge of it as well as computer science, the HTML language and even certain skills and ideas regarding file management.

In the same way, it must be taken into account that what is known as DOM plays an essential role in this sense. Under these acronyms is what is called the Model Document Object, which is how a document is represented in the memory of a computer. What's more, we can establish, therefore, that the browser is responsible for displaying the content of the aforementioned DOM.

Likewise, we have to take into account that this document has a tree structure and that each of its elements (section, attribute...) are now called by the term node. Hence, in the aforementioned structure we come across sibling nodes or child nodes, for example.