Definition of

Red Cross


The Red Cross is an international institution.

Red Cross o International Red Cross es la denominación habitual que recibe el International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, una organización humanitaria de alcance mundial fundada el February 17, 1863 por el suizo Henry Dunant.

The movement is made up of an International Committee , an International Federation and 187 National Societies that work together and have established various agreements with national States and international organizations .

The emblem of the Red Cross is, of course, a red cross , which represents the colors of the Swiss flag in reverse. This is a tribute to the creators of the movement and their neutral stance.

Red Cross Mission

The mission of the Red Cross is to work for the prevention and mitigation of human suffering. That is why it is responsible for preserving the health and life of all individuals, especially in war and emergency situations. The prevention of diseases , the promotion of social well-being and the promotion of voluntary work are other of its objectives.

The actions of the Red Cross are based on certain fundamental precepts, such as neutrality (it does not take sides in conflicts), impartiality (it does not make differences of race, nationality, religious beliefs, social class or political ideology), unity (only there may be one Red Cross Society per country) and independence (it collaborates with public powers, but remains autonomous).

The development of campaigns for the well-being of society, the search and assistance of victims in emergencies, the temporary accommodation of individuals who need help and the collection of clothing, food and medicine to donate are part of the movement's regular activities.


Members of the Red Cross provide assistance in disasters and emergency situations.

History and importance

The idea of ​​this organization arose when Dunat, who on a business trip was in the place where a violent conflict had taken place, saw some 40,000 people dead and injured in a field full of blood. Dunat witnessed how at the end of the war, the wounded were left defenseless and unattended and died because there were poor health services for similar situations.

From then on, Dunat began to move in order to create a group that was willing to care for those who were wounded on the battlefield; He wanted this movement not to respond to any flag, that is, its objective was to help any human being, regardless of the side to which they belonged .

This is how the Geneva Public Utility Society was formed, which later, in 1863, was named the International Committee of the Red Cross . Which, with the support of the Swiss government, began organizing events to spread the ideas of the movement . Shortly after, the organization was accepted by the rest of the world, promising neutralization in conflicts and presence in military hospitals around the world.

Role of the Red Cross

The fundamental tasks of the Red Cross in the regions where war conflicts take place are: mediating for peace , trying to make governments aware of the importance of preserving life above all, witnessing conflicts and being attentive to help any human who is unprotected, injured or hungry. They also provide shelter to those who are persecuted so that the enemy side does not take them prisoner .

Nowadays, the work of this organization is essential to preserve order in our societies; There are many countries that are currently at war and many others that are experiencing situations of famine or poverty ; In these spaces, the presence of the Red Cross is very important. Thanks to the collaboration of its volunteers and the contributions collected around the world for various problems, the Red Cross manages to save the lives of many people and teaches us all the importance of looking at our side and helping those who most need help. You need it, regardless of your ideas or nationality .