Quantum chromodynamics is the name given to a quantum field theory focused on the strong interaction , a fundamental force framed in the standard model of particle physics .
As noted when searching for information about the emergence of this type of gauge theory , it is content promoted by David Gross , David Politzer and Frank Wilczek in the early '70s. In 2004 , these three experts were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in recognition of their findings on asymptotic freedom .
Next, with the intention of providing interesting data on the distinctive features and importance of quantum chromodynamics , we will address this topic in detail.
Fundamentals of quantum chromodynamics
Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) was born with the purpose of helping to understand what the structure of mesons and baryons is like. Throughout its development, the interaction involving gluons and quarks is indicated.
According to this postulate, the profile of the strong force is dictated by the special symmetry – identified as the SU(3)-style gauge group – that arises in the color charge of quarks .
It is enriching to know that quantum chromodynamics , beyond having a link with perturbative expansions, is useful for the prediction of states or properties such as fermionic condensation and color confinement .
It is also necessary to educate yourself about concepts and phenomena that are related to the theory of quantum chromodynamics . Therefore, it is convenient to know what and what, for example, the quark-gluon plasma is like. This phase arises, according to specialists on the subject, in cases of very high densities and/or temperatures. It is believed that the universe had this state until practically the moment before the Big Bang was triggered and matter as we know it today emerged.
When analyzing the characteristics of quantum chromodynamics, notions that require mastery of many phenomena, properties and related issues gain visibility.
If you want to delve deeper into the interactions involving gluons and quarks , specifically, it is essential to know about the Lagrangian of quantum chromodynamics , asymptotic freedom , the confinement produced in the color charge and the conservation of the latter.
It is even required to work with the gluonic field equation .
It should be noted, on the other hand, that the initial efforts to achieve specific predictions based on quantum chromodynamics were inspired by the perturbation theory that, some time before, had been used in the field of quantum electrodynamics (QED) . It was thus proven that quantum chromodynamics is not as efficient and exact as quantum electrodynamics is at the level of practical theory. That is why it has been decided to study other approaches with the aim of finding alternatives that make accurate forecasts and calculations possible.
Faced with a space-time that is discretized, on the other hand, a formulation proposed in the 1970s by Keneth Wilson achieves notoriety. Lattice quantum chromodynamics is the name of this option that allows the use of computer equipment to simulate the aforementioned theory when the perturbation theory has failed. Thanks to this alternative, it has been possible to establish, with considerable precision, the mass of hadrons and mesons .
Nor should we overlook the contributions of theoretical physicist Michael John Creutz . This American who has specialized in computational physics and gauge theory in networks is the author of "Quarks, Gluons and Lattices" , a work that sheds light on the so-called quantum chromodynamics in networks .
Applications of quantum chromodynamics
Quantum chromodynamics is essential for studying the strong nuclear interaction . Throughout History , numerous investigations and tests have been carried out that have allowed us to learn more about this theory and take advantage of it in different areas or for different purposes.
Although the resolution of problems linked to it still remains ahead, certain challenges remain and there are active areas of research work, one cannot fail to highlight the broad scope already achieved by quantum chromodynamics .
Just as lattice quantum chromodynamics was born decades ago within the development of non-perturbative calculation schemes, this theory has managed to be relevant in different areas of study and benefit various scientific disciplines, such as astrophysics , cosmology quantum and nuclear physics .
In 2023 , a conference organized by the Institute of Particle Physics and the Cosmos (IPARCOS) brought together the most prestigious experts in particle physics . At that event, knowledge about quantum chromodynamics was exchanged and updated. From the perspective of Ignazio Scimemi , who directs the institution that promoted this scientific meeting, the theory of quantum chromodynamics is extremely sophisticated and useful. As a reference, he pointed out that it offers the possibility of calculating a large number of low-energy phenomena up to the possibility of determining the energies of the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) , without counting everything that still remains to be discovered through this theory.