Definition of



The chromatic is linked to colors.

The Greek word chrōmatikós derived from the Latin chromatĭcus , which in turn came to Spanish as chromatic . This term refers to what is linked to colors .

To know what the idea of ​​chromatic refers to, therefore, it is essential to define what a color is. This is the name given to the sensation generated by light rays when they cause an impression on the organs of vision . This impression varies depending on the length of the wave.

The chromatic variety of something, for example, is associated with the different colors available. Suppose an automobile manufacturer offers a certain model in gray, black, and white. This means that the color variety of said vehicle consists of three options.

Chromatic aberration

When the adjective is applied to a crystal, the notion of chromatic refers to the fact that the elements presented to the eye appear outlined with the tones of the rainbow . If the image generated by an optical system does not allow for a coincidence between the representations of the same body generated by the different colors of light, we speak of chromatic aberration .

This chromatic aberration is an optical distortion. The lens fails to focus all the colors at the same point of convergence, which causes aberration, which can be lateral or longitudinal . In a traditional camera, that is, analog, this defect is common and can be seen not only in home videos but also in very high-budget films.

But although it is a limitation or problem in certain works of the past, chromatic aberration is used very frequently today to generate a wide variety of effects and sensations in the public, both in the field of cinema and cinema. in video games. Today, this "defect" is reproduced digitally, applying an effect to the content, so content creators decide when to use it, rather than being surprised to see it as part of a problem when filming.

In the video game world, chromatic aberration can be used to make the player uncomfortable, in a wide variety of scenes and situations. One of the most common applications is the simulation of underwater vision : since when we are diving we do not see with the same clarity as on the surface, through this distortion the developers make us feel that difference, with the consequent discomfort that it causes us. not being able to use our sense of sight in its entirety.

The concept in music

In the field of music , on the other hand, a chromatic scale is developed by intervals of semitones. A chromatic semitone , in this framework, is a minor semitone (spanning two commas or parts).


The chromatic variety arises from the different sensations caused by the rays of light when generating an impression on the visual organs.

Chromatic scales are used in many works, both the so-called classical ones (academic music, which can belong to the classical period but also to the baroque, romanticism or even the present) and popular ones, in their various genres. In the case of opera, for example, it is more common to find chromatic passages in works written for female voices , since they usually contain a higher degree of virtuosity than pieces for men.

Singing a chromatic scale, both ascending and descending, or combining both directions, requires a very solid technique so that the result is clear and musically correct. Good breathing must be combined with precise placement, allowing the listener to distinguish each note individually.