Definition of



The notion of chrysalis refers to the state that precedes the adult stage in insects that develop a complete metamorphosis.

In order to know the meaning of the term chrysalis , it is necessary to discover, first of all, its etymological origin. In this case, we can state that it is a word that derives from the Greek “khrysallis”, which can be translated as “gold”, and which in Latin derived from “chrysallis”.

The notion of chrysalis is used in the field of zoology with reference to the state prior to the adult stage presented by insects that undergo a complete metamorphosis .

A state of holometabolous insects

Also called pupa , the chrysalis involves the transition between the larva state and the imago state (when the specimen reaches adulthood).

This phase is gone through by holometabolous insects , which are those that from embryo become larvae, then into chrysalises and finally into imagos. Butterflies, flies, moths and bees are holometabolous animals.


Moths and butterflies go through the chrysalis phase.

Characteristics of chrysalises

Although the state varies according to the species , chrysalises do not usually move or feed. In the process, they hide in a type of capsule that provides protection while their organs modify and adopt the new structure.

During the chrysalis stage, the wings and legs develop progressively. Simultaneously, the body begins to acquire the tripartite structure that characterizes adults, with an abdomen , thorax , and head .

The chrysalis phase can last from a few weeks to several months. At the moment of hatching, the animal dissolves or breaks the cocoon and emerges in its adult state.

a metaphor

In the same way, on a social level, there are scholars who establish that the chrysalis is a metaphor for society with respect to women. Yes, because it is determined that they are in a transition phase towards what would be known as social metamorphosis.

This is because it is considered that we still have to fight and work hard to ensure that women achieve the equality they desire between men and women at different levels.

The notion of chrysalis in art and other fields

“Crisálida” , on the other hand, is the name of a sculpture developed by the Mexican Manuel Felguérez . The work dates back to 2014 and was made from a Volkswagen Sedan , the car also called the Beetle .

“Las chrysalids” , finally, is the title with which the novel “The Chrysalids” by the Englishman John Wyndham was known in our language .

This novel is included within the realm of fantasy and science fiction and takes as its protagonist David Storm, who, as he grows up, discovers that he has a singular power: he can mentally communicate with children. A fact that he will not be able to bring to light considering that he lives in a community where religious fanaticism is reigning and where everything that goes against Jesus or is strange must be destroyed.

In addition, there is also a foundation that responds to the name of Fundación Crisálida and a store that is called Crisálida and that specializes in the sale of clothing items that are the result of the most creative designs of its designer.