Definition of



The circumstance that turns an event into a crime is called criminality.

The first thing we are going to do is know the etymological origin of the word criminality that concerns us now. In this case, we can state that it comes from Latin, exactly the result of two clearly delimited components:

-The noun crime , which refers to the result of a criminal action that must be brought to trial.

-The suffix -alis , which is used to indicate “relative to”.

Crime concept

The concept can be used in various ways, always linked to crime : a serious crime or a voluntary action that is carried out with the intention of seriously injuring or killing someone.

The idea of ​​criminality can be used with respect to the circumstance that makes an act criminal . It also refers to the number of crimes that are committed in a specific place and at a specific time and to the action of committing crimes.

For example: “In the last five years, the city's crime rate rose 48%,” “The fight against crime will be one of the pillars of my government,” “Crime statistics are alarming.”


The police seek to prevent and stop crime.

The crimes

Crimes are linked to crimes : typical behaviors that are illegal and that are susceptible to criminal punishment. Whoever commits a crime violates the law. Generally the concept of crime is associated with a serious crime that threatens life . Crime, in this sense, refers to the most serious crimes.

Suppose a mentally disturbed young man murders his neighbor. The authorship of the crime is soon demonstrated through the indubitable evidence that is collected during the investigation. However, at the time of trial, the challenge for the court is to determine whether the murderer understood the criminality of his actions: that is, whether his mental condition allowed him to understand what he was doing when killing the other person. If the court considers that the murderer was aware of the criminality of his action, he will be imprisoned. On the other hand, if he maintains that the individual had no understanding of the criminality, he will be declared unchargeable (he cannot be charged with the crime) and sent to an institution to receive treatment in accordance with his condition.

Crime rate

Different reports and studies are carried out annually to find out which countries have the highest crime rates. Thus, for example, among these nations we can highlight that there are Honduras , El Salvador , Ivory Coast , Venezuela , Belize , Jamaica or Guatemala , for example.

In the same way, we cannot ignore that in Spain even the Ministry of the Interior has a crime statistics portal where, quarterly, it records the figures related to this aspect that take place in its territory.

virtual crime

In addition to all of the above, we cannot ignore that in recent decades another concept has emerged that is along these lines. We are referring to cybercrime . Under this term is the set of acts committed in what is cyberspace, the Internet, that result in victims and that whoever carries it out intends to achieve an objective or benefit.

Cybercrime includes crimes such as computer fraud, among which are hacking, the theft of confidential information, online credit card scams...