Definition of



A creature is a small child.

A creature is a newborn baby or a boy who is only a few years old . That is why the term, from the Latin creatura , can be used as a synonym for child .

For example: “Yesterday Ester came to visit me with her child, who is almost as tall as her,” “It outrages me when children have to pay for the mistakes of their parents,” “After the crash, the child was thrown by the windshield and hit the pavement.”

The notion of creature, by extension, is used as a qualifier for a person who seems very young or who has properties or attitudes similar to those of a child : "Don't worry, you're just a creature: you'll get another job." “I can't stand that you behave like a creature every time you get angry,” “You shouldn't act like that, you look like a creature.”

Uses of the notion of creature

When talking about a creature as a synonym for a child, there is a certain nuance of tenderness implicit in the term: the undeniable consideration that it is a person who is growing, who needs the protection of his or her elders, who has no evil and who She is not aware of the dangers that surround her. For all these reasons, the creatures tend to be easy prey for the most perverse adults.

When faced with news as horrific as a case of child abuse , or a mother who threw her baby in a garbage container, it is normal for people to react by saying "But how could he do something like that?" If it's just a creature . Although not all people feel the desire to be parents, everyone goes through childhood and experiences firsthand that vulnerability that characterizes any living being during its early life.

When thinking about a creature we feel a very particular empathy, because it forces us to travel in time , to awaken feelings and sensations that perhaps we thought we had forgotten, to put ourselves in the place of another living being and try to understand it. Unfortunately, many adults harm children in unthinkable ways and leave indelible marks on them that torment them for a lifetime; Three very common examples are sexual abuse, psychological abuse and physical attacks.


The notion of creature can refer to being mythological or to an animal with peculiar characteristics.

mythological beings

Creature is also used to name mythological beings that do not fall into the most common classifications, since they are neither human beings nor animals . Some mythological creatures, however, arose from the confusing accounts of travelers in ancient times, who ended up distorting the characteristics of real animals.

The dragon (similar to a large snake or lizard, capable of breathing fire from its mouth), the unicorn (horse with one horn), the minotaur (half man and half bull) and the Loch Ness monster (a species of plesiosaur that, for some reason, would not have become extinct) are some examples of very popular creatures in various cultures .

Creatures between legend and reality

It should be noted that some creatures that were considered mythological ended up being part of the animals once they were discovered. That is the case of the okapi , which looks like a mix of zebra and giraffe. The inhabitants of the Congo used to tell about its existence to Europeans who believed it was just mythology , until Harry Johnston , at the beginning of the 20th century , was able to obtain skins that proved the existence of the okapi.

Another creature that today is recognized as a real animal , although not with the physical characteristics and abilities of its many myths, is the dragon . Its full name is the Komodo dragon (it is also known as the monster or monitor monitor ) and it is a species of scaly sauropsid found on some islands in central Indonesia . No other lizard surpasses it in size, as it can reach three meters in length, and its average weight is around 70 kg.