Definition of

Vegetative growth

In order to know the meaning of the term vegetative growth, it is necessary, first of all, to discover the etymological origin of the two words that make it up:

-Growth comes from Latin, exactly from the verb “crescere” which can be translated as “to increase in size through what is an organic and natural development.”

-Vegetable, for its part, also derives from Latin. In its case, we can establish that it is the result of the sum of two clearly delimited components: the verb “vegetare”, which is synonymous with “grow”, and the suffix “-tivo”, which is used to indicate an “active relationship or passive.”

Growth is called the act and result of growing : increase, enlarge, increase. V egetative , on the other hand, is that linked to vegetating (nourishing and growing, in the case of plants).

VegetativeThe concept of vegetative growth refers to the difference that is registered in a population between the number of births and the number of deaths during a certain period . When the number of births exceeds the number of deaths, the population level increases and so-called vegetative growth or natural growth occurs.

If deaths exceed births, however, the number of inhabitants is reduced. In this case we speak of negative vegetative growth .

Suppose that, in a small town in country X , 249 people are born in one year. In that same period, 180 individuals died. Since the number of births is higher than the number of deaths, the town in question registers vegetative growth.

In another city, the birth of 1,250 people and the death of 1,311 subjects are recorded in one year. In this case, the number of deaths is higher than the number of births: therefore there is negative vegetative growth, also known as vegetative decrease.

It should be noted that vegetative growth can be considered high, moderate or low according to the percentage in which the number of inhabitants varies. The vegetative growth rate is the calculation made by dividing the vegetative growth by the number of inhabitants, then multiplying that result by 100.

In addition to everything indicated, we have to emphasize that there are different and varied factors that directly influence vegetative growth. We are referring to some such as the following:

-The health care that exists in the area in which vegetative growth is studied and good care of this type will allow mortality to be reduced and life expectancy to increase.

-In the same way, it must be taken into account that education also influences vegetative growth. First, because if there is education about contraception, baby births will be avoided. Second, because if there are many people who study and then prioritize their professional careers, the birth rate will be reduced. And third, because when studies are made easier, there will be more medical and scientific professionals who will look after citizens and improve the birth rate and reduce the mortality rate.