Definition of



The valuation of a security or currency is known as a quote.

Quotation is the actions and consequences of quoting (establishing a price , making an estimate of something, paying a fee). This word is used to refer to the documentation that indicates the real value of a good or service. For example: “I ask you to please send me the quote for twenty liters of varnish and four kilos of cement” , “Today I spoke with Ricardo to ask him to give me the quote although he hasn't told me anything yet” , “The quote of these services is very high.”

Establishing the etymological origin of the term is complex since it emanates from two languages. Thus, first of all, it starts from the Latin concept quotus , which meant “how much” and from which the French word quote arose. This was used to refer to the amount of money that was assigned to each taxpayer and from it emanated the most current verb, cotiser .

The quote as an appraisal

Another use of the concept is linked to the valuation that is officially carried out of a security on the Stock Market or to the valuation of a currency . This price is usually modified according to various criteria and is directly regulated through certain maneuvers by the State : “The authorities will not allow the price of the dollar against the national currency to drop below four pesos,” “Our accountant says that there are "We have to be careful due to the low price of the company's securities," "If the price of these shares continues to increase, we will become rich."

In some nations, the contribution is made up of the amount that all workers must contribute to the State in social security contributions. Also called pension contribution , it is a percentage of the salary that the employer (through a withholding) or the employee has to deposit into the national social security system.


A quote can be made in different ways.

The concept in Spain

In the case of Spain, what is known as contribution bases and types is officially and legally established. With them, what is organized are the contribution bases for common contingencies that exist based on whether citizens belong to the general regime or are established in other special regimes.

The latter would be self-employed workers, agricultural self-employed workers, domestic employees, agricultural employees or maritime workers.

Thus, depending on the aforementioned regime where each citizen is included, they will know what the minimum and maximum bases of euros per month are as well as the various existing types.

When we refer to bases we are talking about what is known as the contribution base , which is the remuneration that workers obtain and based on it, the amount of money is established, which is the quota , that must be paid to the regime. of Social Security. Thus, for example, with regard to the common contingencies of the general regime, it is established that the company must pay 23.60 euros and the employee 4.70 euros, which would give rise to a fee of 28.30 euros.

Quote from an athlete

The contribution, on the other hand, may be the value involved in hiring an athlete.

In soccer , the player's pass or token has a price that the team that hires him must pay to retain his services: "The price of the Chilean defender surprised the leaders, who do not want to invest so much money."