Definition of



Match is a term that can be used to refer to a sporting confrontation.

Comparison is the comparison work that is carried out when a person compares or confronts two things. This action, known as comparing , consists of analyzing the characteristics of two or more objects or situations to establish similarities and differences and develop some type of assessment .

For example: “I have already received the samples from the different suppliers: now I am going to carry out the comparison to determine which company can provide us with the highest quality” , “Consider all the available options and make a comparison that will allow you to know which is the most convenient” , “No comparison is necessary: ​​at the end of the day , Chinese products are always the cheapest” .

Match as a match

The notion of comparison is also used to name a match or a sports competition. What the teams do is confront each other to try to win.

“In a match that was played at the Azteca Stadium, the local team defeated Venezuela 4 to 1 and advanced to the next phase of the cup”, “The match was very even and was only decided in the last minutes, when Aruztelli scored a goal with a header” y “The team will play its next match in ten days, when it must face Deportivo Villamor”son frases que reflejan esta acepción.


A comparison can be the result of a comparison.

Other uses of the notion

Likewise, this term is part of two of the many constructions that give name to the symbol generally known as seen , which has an appearance similar to the letter "v" and is used to record that a task has been completed or that a line of text has been read, among other possibilities ; The expressions in question are check mark and check mark . It is worth mentioning that in certain countries, the seen has a different meaning, since it indicates an error , as occurs in Sweden and Finland .

On the other hand, the concept of letter comparison appears in the field of law . When, in the context of a dispute, a private document whose authenticity is doubtful is exhibited, it can be subjected to an expert examination called letter matching, carried out by a graphology technician.

File collation is a practice widely used in various development areas and, basically, consists of comparing a copy of a document with its original version . In computer programming, for example, it is common to organize work so that many versions of the same program are generated throughout the development cycle, and sometimes it becomes necessary to compare a file with one of its previous instances to find the root. of an error.

It should be noted that, in the same way that writers discard words, expressions, paragraphs or even entire chapters of their works before finding the final form of a literary creation, programmers often make drastic changes to the code of a program, and some Sometimes this cutback causes problems that were not anticipated. In very complex systems , there are a large number of relationships between its components, making it difficult to extract one without affecting the rest.

For collating text files, there is a wide variety of applications, both paid and free, although in many cases they are simply plug-ins for text processors or editors. Such is the case of Notepad++ , a popular open source editor that offers a host of tools, among which is a file comparator. Some of the options available for analyzing the matching result are the ability to align matches, ignore spacing, and detect changes in the placement of portions of text.