Definition of



Splitting something with a knife or similar instrument involves making a cut.

Cutting is the action and effect of cutting . This verb refers to dividing something with a cutting instrument or giving a certain shape with scissors or tools.

For example: "I'm going to proceed to cutting the pizza: please prepare your dishes" , "The tree cut was not very precise and ended up damaging branches that were healthy" , "Do you like my new haircut?" .

The cut as an edge or wound

The notion of cutting is also used to name the edge of the tool that is used to cut or chop: "Tell Gastón that he has to sharpen the cutting blade of the knife" , "This saw is running out of cut" , "Here Be careful with the saw cut .

Another use of the term is linked to the wound produced by a sharp element: "The fall caused a five-centimeter cut on the scalp," "While I was preparing the food, I made a cut with the knife," "The cut did not "He stopped bleeding, so we had to take the little boy to the hospital."

The concept in the media

Within the field of media, mainly in the field of radio, the term cut is also used but with another meaning. Specifically, it is used to refer to the fragment of an interview or statements that have been obtained from a specific person.

However, there are also so-called advertising breaks . These are broadcast during the programs and are used, as their name suggests, as advertisements for certain companies or products.


A cut of meat is a piece obtained from a specific sector of the animal's body.

Cutting in the kitchen

A cut, on the other hand, is the section through which a piece of meat or a sausage has been cut: "Go to the butcher shop and find out what cut they have to prepare tonight" , "In Argentina, the asado is the cut of meat most popular» , «I don't know many cuts of beef» .

But the term cut is not only used with this type of food product. There is also talk of cut ice cream , which is that which is sold in portions. Specifically, in Spain , it refers to the one that is presented between two portions of cookies and is characterized by having two or three flavors, perfectly delimited and with a differentiated appearance although they are within the same "block" .

More uses of the notion

In colloquial language it is common to resort to the use of the word court to give shape to certain expressions or verbal phrases. Examples of this are the following:

  • Sleeve cut . It is a term that comes to define the gesture that one person makes to another in an obscene or derogatory manner. It consists of bending one arm with the hand upwards and letting the hand of the other arm fall on it.
  • Give someone a cut . This phrase, for its part, is used to record that someone has responded quickly, bitingly, and witty to another individual.

Court can also be the group of people who accompany a monarch ( "By marrying the prince, the woman became part of the court" ) and the court of justice of a territory ( "The accused announced that he will bear the case to the Court» ).