Definition of


folding penknife

Nowadays we associate the penknife with a folding instrument

A penknife is a small knife . Named in some countries as a penknife (without the final S), this instrument was originally used to cut the pens used when writing .

folding knife

Nowadays, a small folding knife is called a penknife, although the first penknifes may have lacked this feature. When the device is opened, the blade is locked and can be used without moving or shifting.

Today's penknives, which are pocket knives , are often used for different purposes. In general, it is an element available in many homes and there are people who always carry it with them thanks to its usefulness .

It is important to mention that there are penknives with several blades and even some that incorporate other utensils , such as scissors , punches, tweezers, pins or can openers. This reinforces its status as a multifunction product.

Applications and precautions

With a penknife it is possible to cut paper , cardboard, threads, ropes or fabrics, to name a few possibilities. They can also be used as a corkscrew or bottle opener.

It cannot fail to be mentioned that a penknife, like the rest of the pocketknives or knives, is a knife . Thanks to its point and sharp edges, it can be used to puncture and cut, which can cause injury and even death. Therefore, to avoid accidents , penknives should be used with caution.

The carrying of a penknife, in any case, is not usually punishable by law, although if a criminal uses it in his criminal actions he may receive an aggravated sentence .

History until the 17th century

As mentioned above, the penknife did not start out having the same utility that we give it today, nor did it have the shape. It is important to note that it was not only used to cut quills to later use them as writing instruments , but it also served to slightly wear down the paper or parchment (two of the most common supports) on which it was written to make changes. or corrections in the texts.

Throughout the 1600s, blades began to be manufactured with these two specialties in particular, with “scraper” being the name of the second, since it was used to scrape the surface with the intention of removing the ink. Regarding the other task, the one that gave it its name in the first place, a blade with a more pronounced curvature and a much smaller thickness was used, two very important aspects to facilitate the cutting of the feathers.

Regarding the handle, which is currently also the structure in which the blades are "hidden" once they are folded, at first it was manufactured in the shape of a cylinder. Later, penknives appeared whose handles had several flat faces and a steel tip located at the opposite end of the blade, which had the purpose of improving the cutting of the slot .

Utility penknife

It fulfills many functions but takes up little space

Advances since the 18th century

One of the most notable changes that the 18th century brought was the creation of mechanical penknives , thanks to which precision increased when cutting the tip and making the groove. Two types were manufactured: those with a guillotine or lever and those of the "nail clipper" type.

We reach the 19th century, when the penknife came to have several blades, four being the maximum number. Each of these was included to fulfill a well-defined objective: eliminate blackheads; nib; cut the tip; cut the slot. The leaves can be fixed or folding ; In the first case, it is necessary to exchange them. The material of the handles can be ivory, silver or precious wood.