Definition of


Before entering fully into the meaning of the term corrosion, it is necessary to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can state that it derives from Latin, specifically from "corrosio", which is the result of the union of the following components:

-The prefix «con-«, which means «whole» or «together».

-The adjective "rossum", which can be translated as "gnawed".

-The suffix «-ion», which is synonymous with «action and effect».

The concept refers to the act and result of corroding : destroying, ruining, eating away or wearing down something gradually.

CorrosionThe idea of ​​corrosion is usually used in the field of chemistry to name the wear of a metal as a result of the action of an external agent . Corrosion occurs due to the interaction of the metal with its environment.

When the metal corrodes, its chemical and physical properties deteriorate . A reduction-oxidation ( redox ) reaction can cause corrosion of an element. In this process, one agent receives electrons (is reduced) and another gives up electrons (is oxidized).

A metal that is outdoors or underwater corrodes. In steel , to cite one case, a brown layer forms that degrades the material until it breaks or cracks.

The corrosion of metals, therefore, constitutes a big problem at different levels. When a metal corrodes, its properties are altered. An iron structure that experiences corrosion, for example, may lose firmness and become unstable or brittle. A corroded bridge, in this context, poses a risk.

It is important to keep in mind that there are different types of corrosion, which can even affect non-metallic materials . To interrupt or slow down the process, it is possible to use coatings that act as inhibitors . The type of design can also help minimize corrosion.

Specifically, we can establish that there are three fundamental types of corrosion:

-Galvanic corrosion is what occurs when two metals that are different come into contact within a liquid medium.

-General corrosion, which is produced through electrochemical or chemical reactions.

-Localized corrosion, which, as its name indicates, is that which takes place in certain parts of the metal structure. In the same way, it should be noted that this can be of three types: crevice corrosion, which is the result of a stagnant liquid; pitting corrosion, which gives rise to small holes in the aforementioned structure; and filiform corrosion. The latter occurs when the damage is caused by water that can be found under the coatings.

To avoid corrosion, recommendations must be followed such as keeping hands dry when working on metal structures and even using moisture barriers when storing tools such as humidifiers.