Definition of


CorporatismThe idea of ​​corporatism has different uses. The first meaning mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) refers to the doctrine that promotes state intervention to resolve conflicts that occur in the workplace , appealing to the development of corporations that bring together workers and employers. .

In this framework, corporatism is a type of socioeconomic organization that is based on the planned economy and unionism . According to this doctrine, business, professional and union associations must be united through corporations that are under the orbit of the State .

Political activity, in corporatism, is carried out by union representatives. In this way, a pyramidal structure is created where power is exercised vertically.

Through corporatism, society is organized according to associations ( corporations ) that represent the specific interests of a group. The intervention of the State in these corporations, according to the doctrine, allows conflicts to be neutralized. It should be noted that corporations can have regulatory powers and be established as the mandatory means of political representation of their members.

It is necessary to point out that the origins of corporatism are very remote, so much so that we can find some examples in Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece. Its features are also perceived in some religions, such as Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism and Confucianism.

If we place ourselves in the corporatism that can be associated with social relations , we are faced with that which is based on kinship . This type of corporatism focuses on the identification of ethnicity according to a division into families and clans, a phenomenon that has manifested itself very frequently in the history of Latin America, Asia and Africa.

We have, on the other hand, modern corporatism , which is believed to have been largely driven by the Confucian societies of Southeast and East Asia, which were based on clans, families and groups . In Chinese society we also find predominant elements of clan corporatism , since family relationships are governed by legal norms. Islamic society is also often based on tribes or clans that bring corporatism to the community.

CorporatismWith respect to the presence of this concept in the religious and spiritual sphere, we can say that since the New Testament we find traces of Christian corporatism , specifically in the First Epistle to the Corinthians , in which Paul of Tarsus expresses himself organically with regarding society and politics , implying that the entire community and its components are a whole that is related functionally, in the same way as the different parts of the human body.

Confucianism , which is also known as Confucianism , is the group of moral and religious doctrines preached by the followers and disciples of the Chinese thinker Confucius after his death. Regarding corporatism, it emphasizes the development of family and community through solidarity and harmony.

We also find social concepts that refer to corporatism in Hinduism, such as the importance of issues such as consensus, harmony and the feeling of community .

Corporatism, on the other hand, is the name given to the attitude or position assumed by a sector to bluntly and unconditionally defend the interests of its members. If journalists in a country always justify the conduct of those who practice this profession, beyond their errors and faults, one could speak of the corporatism that exists in journalism. The corporatism of footballers, on the other hand, can lead to these athletes not accepting criticism from people who have not played at a professional level.