Definition of



Poor body posture can cause pain and discomfort.

Corporal , a term originating from the Latin word corporālis , is an adjective that qualifies that which is linked to the body , especially the human body . For example: "To avoid back pain, it is important to take care of your body posture" , "That man's body odor is very strong" , "An expert analyzed the suspect's body language and concluded that he was lying" .

The position of a person's body is known as body posture . This is linked to the location of the trunk, limbs and joints at a given time. Poor body posture can cause various disorders; On the other hand, good body posture minimizes stiffness and tension and promotes efficiency.

body language

The idea of ​​body language , for its part, refers to the communicative and expressive meaning of gestures and body movements. This information is transmitted non-orally, either consciously or unconsciously. In a similar sense, we speak of bodily expression to refer to the transmission of emotions and ideas through the body and not the voice.

Although most people naturally learn appropriate body language to relate to their environment, others encounter certain difficulties that prevent them from developing. For them there are various tips that have been defined by specialists in order to help them function successfully in all types of situations. Let's look at some below.

Tips to promote communication

* maintain eye contact with our interlocutors, especially in the first meetings. Through this action we demonstrate respect for others and interest in their words. As with other aspects of communication, culture in this case is decisive;

* look away momentarily to allow the other person to organize their ideas and prevent them from feeling overwhelmed by our presence. Fixing your gaze for too long periods of time is as detrimental to communication as doing so very rarely throughout a conversation;

* Take care of your body posture, adapting it to the context and the type of communication we are maintaining. This tends to be a problem for men more than for women, since less respect for others is required from them than from women. Sitting with your legs open is an attitude that many men have every day, often in inappropriate situations;

* position the head in a way that allows us to establish adequate eye contact with the other. If we are in a conversation with a teacher or our employer, it is recommended to tilt it slightly forward, so that we show our respect implicitly with our gaze. To express empathy, on the other hand, we can rotate it a few degrees to the side;

* be aware of the position of our arms, something essential to demonstrate interest and respect in a conversation. Keeping your arms crossed can be interpreted as a rejection of our interlocutor's message, while placing them at your sides reflects an open attitude.

body mass index

The body mass index helps to know if a person's weight is appropriate for their height.

Body fat, body mass index and a cloth

The adjective body also appears linked to adipose tissue: body fat . This fat helps regulate body temperature and provides protection. However, excess body fat is a health problem.

The body mass index ( BMI ), on the other hand, is an indicator that links the mass and height of an individual to indicate whether they are underweight, normal or excessive. BMI is obtained by dividing mass by height squared.

As a noun , corporal refers to a white cloth that is placed on the altar during the Catholic mass, placing the chalice and the host on it.