Definition of



Reply can be used as a synonym for response.

Answer is the action and effect of answering . This verb refers to responding , replying or challenging .

For example: "I am disappointed with the response I received from the telephone company regarding my complaint" , "I sent you an email three days ago, but I still have not received the response" , "Thank you, your response was very useful" .

Various uses of the term response

The term, from the Latin contestatĭo , can be used as a synonym for response , since it can be about satisfaction with a doubt or question: "I am still waiting for the company's response to my concerns," "Until they give me an answer." , I will not leave this place» , «An accurate answer will increase consumer confidence» .

The notion is also used to name the alteration, dispute or opposition against what is established : "I will not tolerate another response from you," "You have to understand that Mrs. Pereyra is the highest authority of this school: with her, "There is no room for answers."

Within the colloquial sphere, it is common for the aforementioned term to be used with that meaning. It is especially used within the family, with regard to possible disputes between parents and children. An example of this could be the following sentence: "Manuel punished his son Miguel without pay and without leaving after the rude answer he gave him."


The concept of response to the claim is used in the field of law.

The concept in law

In the field of law , the response to the claim is a procedural act through which the defendant presents his defenses and exceptions regarding a claim. This response can be written or oral, depending on the type of judicial procedure.

Among the various characteristics that the response to the lawsuit has, in addition to those already stated, we would have to highlight these others of equal value:

  • It is directed against the plaintiff.
  • It is very common to present yourself verbally before the judge in charge of the case.
  • The basis for this will be based on pillars such as the following: the factual allegation and the legal allegation.

In labor matters, modification of definitive measures, alimony or executive judgment, the aforementioned response to the claim may take place.

Structure of the complaint response

It is also important to know the structure of the response to the claim. Specifically, it is established that it must be made up of the following parts: data of the person who carries it out or the attorney in charge of the matter, the facts that it alleges and exposes, the foundations of the law on which it is based and the corresponding request. . Of course, without forgetting the signature of the aforementioned legal professional and the relevant lawyer .

In addition to the above, it must be made clear that in each country there is specific legislation on the bases and requirements for responding to the lawsuit.

The claim and the answer make up the controversial issue that the court or judge must resolve. It is important to highlight that the judge should only refer to the actions included in the claim and the exceptions, without extending to other aspects. The exception is that the law grants the judge the power to act ex officio.