Definition of



Digital information that contains the personal data of an individual is called contact.

From the Latin contactus , contact is the action and effect of touching two or more things or people. For contact to exist there must be some type of relationship, link, connection or encounter.

For example: “I am in contact with a Chinese businessman to analyze the possibility of exporting our products” , “The repetition of the play shows that there was contact: the judge, therefore, should have sanctioned a foul” , “Miguel has many contacts in the television field .

Contact can refer to the treatment established between two or more people or organizations . Nowadays, thanks to the advancement of technology , contact can be physical or virtual. People who are added in digital systems such as instant messaging programs or social networks are even known as contacts: “Yesterday I added your cousin among my contacts,” “My son is proud because he has more than one hundred contacts on his MSN.”

physical contact

Physical contact can be a friction, a collision or another type of encounter, whether casual or provoked. The notion, in any case, is usually used as a euphemism to refer to a sexual encounter : “She says she was dating me, but I swear I never had intimate contact with her,” “There was no physical contact between the two, so Therefore, it is impossible for my client to be the father of the child.”

In this sense, it must be emphasized that, thanks to the development of the Internet, there are many websites on the Internet that are called contact pages . As its name indicates, the objective of these spaces is none other than that people can get to know each other and as a result of that they can start a relationship, whether sentimental, sexual or friendship.

The hectic pace of life we ​​lead in today's society is one of the main reasons that lead many people to not go out too much and that means they do not find a partner. However, now thanks to these websites they can find the person they want, with whom they share hobbies and interests, with whom they agree on objectives...

Thus, there are many couples who are proud to be able to say that they were formed thanks to a contact page such as Meetic or eDarling , among many others. A photograph, personal data such as age and name, city of residence, hobbies and what they are looking for when entering that website are some of the questions that all users must specify.


When two parts of an electrical circuit are connected, they establish contact.

Electrical connection

Regarding electricity , a contact is a connection between two parts of an electrical circuit .

Electrical contact implies the closure of a circuit through the union of two elements: “Be careful with that cable: it has contact,” “I touched the screen and it gave me contact.”

Contact lenses

In addition to all this, we would also have to highlight that there is also what is known as a contact lens.

Lens is the name given, in the same way, to what we can say is a small elastic disc that is placed in the eyes, specifically on what is the cornea, and that allows those who have some type of refractive defect to see without no kind of problems.