Definition of



A conquest usually consists of the appropriation of a territory through the use of violence.

In order to discover the meaning of the term conquest, it is necessary to know, first of all, what its etymological origin is. In this case, we can highlight that it is a word that derives from the Latin “conquisitare”, which can be translated as “to acquire permanently”. What's more, we can point out that it is the result of the sum of two components:

-The prefix “con-”, which can be translated as “together” or “total”.

-The verb “quaerere”, which means “require” or “seek”.

Conquest concept

Conquest is the act and result of conquering : obtaining something through skill, sacrifice, or violence . A conquest is what is achieved after overcoming certain obstacles.

For example: “The conquest of enemy territory cost us thousands of lives” , “Tomorrow the Paraguayan team will go for the most important conquest in its history” , “Two months after winning the Nobel Prize, the American writer will offer a conference in our country.”

The idea of ​​conquest is usually used to refer to the surrender of an enemy through the use of weapons . This action usually includes the appropriation of land by the conqueror, who begins to govern said territory.

Historical examples

At the end of the 15th century , to mention a well-known historical fact, the conquest of America by European powers began. In this process, Spain , Portugal and other nations used their military power to appropriate the lands where numerous aboriginal peoples lived.

Another of the most relevant conquests in history was that of Granada by the Catholic Monarchs. In the year 1492, and after ten years of conflict, the monarchs Isabel and Ferdinand managed to take over the aforementioned city, thus causing the person who had it until then, the Emir Boabdil, to leave it forever.

Exactly on January 2, 1492, the aforementioned kings managed to take over the city, which was handed over to them directly, through the well-known keys, by the aforementioned emir.


The idea of ​​conquest can refer to achieving the love of another person through seduction.

Romantic and social conquest

On a romantic level, a conquest is a man or woman who can be captivated or seduced, achieving their love. The process that is developed for this purpose is also called conquest: “The actor's last conquest is a young 23-year-old model,” “Tonight I am going to conquer Paula,” “Everything was going well, until the appearance of Marcelo.” "It ruined my conquest."

The notion of conquest can also be applied to symbolic achievements. A person, in this framework, can achieve a certain social status thanks to the wealth they have accumulated in recent years or the ties they have established with powerful individuals.

A Spanish town

In the same way, we cannot ignore that Conquista is the name of a town in the province of Córdoba (Spain). It is located about 96 kilometers from the capital, has about 420 inhabitants and is part of the so-called Los Pedroches Region, known for its spectacular pastures and its designation of origin for Iberian ham.

The inhabitants of that municipality respond to the name of conquisteños and conquisteñas.