Definition of



Connotation is associated with meanings of language that are not literal.

The first thing we are going to carry out is the determination of the etymological origin of the term connotation at hand. Specifically, by doing so we can establish that it comes from Latin as it is made up of the following parts of said language: the prefix “con-”, which can be translated as “completely”; the word “note”, which is equivalent to “mark”; and the suffix “-cion”, which acts as a synonym for “action and effect”.

Connotation is the action and effect of connoting (which carries, in addition to its specific meaning, another of an appellative or expressive type). The connotation of a word or phrase , therefore, suggests an added meaning different from its own.

For example: “I think this advertising has a sexist connotation” , “The president's speech seemed to be addressed to the audience, although many analysts noticed another connotation” , “If you address the boss in that way, many will think that your words have a particular connotation” , “Do not look for a connotation where there is none” .

The connotation and the literal

Connotation implies that language has meanings that go beyond the literal. It can be said that a man is a lion because he has a lot of strength or courage, without this indicating that said person shows the same biological or physical characteristics as the animal in question.

When we talk about connotation, at the same time and almost inevitably, we use its antonym: denotation . This term can be defined as the basic and main meaning that any word has, that is, the one given to it in any dictionary.

Universal, objective and non-discrepant is, therefore, the denotative meaning of any word while when we talk about the connotative meaning it is that which is characterized by being that which is subjective as it is the result of feelings, sensations and emotions.

In addition to all of the above, we would have to emphasize that any word has a denotative and connotative meaning at the same time. Thus, a term will have a denotative meaning for all citizens, but the connotative meaning will be different based on the person in question.


The expression "suffer like a dog" is an example of connotation.

Some examples

It can be said that connotation is the secondary value of an expression or word . The image of a rose can connote love, infatuation or passion, meanings that have nothing to do with the literal definition of this flower but with the valuation or meaning that is created culturally.

The phrase “suffer like a dog” or “treat like a dog” is another example of connotation. If a person comments that another “is suffering like a dog,” they are referring to a high degree of suffering. It does not mean that the unfortunate person sleeps on the floor and drinks water from a bowl, nor does it mean that all dogs face an existence of suffering.

The connotation in kinship

Finally, we would have to establish that there is a different meaning for the term we are addressing. In this case, we could highlight the fact that connotation is also used to refer to a type of kinship.

This relationship occurs between two or more individuals and its hallmark is that it is not close, but quite distant.