Definition of



Knowing the conjugation of verbs is important to express yourself correctly.

Determining the etymological origin of the term conjugation means having to go to Latin. And that word emanates from the Latin word “coniugatio”, which is made up of three perfectly delimited parts: the prefix “con-”, which is synonymous with “together”; the name “iugum”, which can be translated as “union or yoke”; and finally the suffix “-ción”, which is equivalent to “action and effect”.

Conjugation is the action and effect of conjugating (stating the different forms of a verb according to its modes, tenses, persons and numbers; combining several things with each other; comparing one thing with another).

Conjugation in grammar

In grammar , therefore, conjugation is the ordered series of the various forms of the same verb . The concept is also used to name the groups into which verbs of equal inflection are classified.

Conjugation, therefore, depends on issues such as verbal predication according to the time of the action, information about whether said action has already concluded and the number of participants in the process.

Taking this as a reference, we can use the term “we laughed” as an example. In it you can discover that it is in the indicative mood, that it is plural, that it belongs to the first person and that it is in the past imperfect.

Other examples: the conjugation of the verb “drink” in its various forms is formed by the terms “bebí” , “drink” , “drink” , “drank” , “drink” , “drink” , “drink”, “drink” , “drink”. , “will drink” , “we drank” , “we drink” , “we will drink” , “you drank” , “you drink” , “you will drink” , “they drank” , “they drink” and “they will drink” . Each of these conjugations allows us to form different expressions: “Thank you, but I don't drink when I work,” “After dinner, you will drink the chocolate liqueur that I prepared,” “We drank until dawn,” “The young people drank non-stop until it arrived .” "Manuel."


Conjugation involves an ordered series that includes the different forms of a verb.

Types of verb forms

When conjugating any verb, it is important to be clear that there are two types of verb forms. Thus, on the one hand, there are the personal ones, which are those in which both the time factor and the subject who is in relation to it become relevant.

On the other hand, there are non-personal forms of the verb, also known as non-finite, which have the particularity that they do not require a specific subject. Specifically, there are three types of these verbal forms: the infinitive, which usually ends in “ar”, “er” or “ir”; the participle, which ends in “ado” or “ido”; and the gerund, which is identified because it ends in “ando” or “endo”.

Examples of participles are eat, sleep or snore, while participles act as examples dreamed, danced or desired. For its part, examples of gerunds are walking, laughing or singing.

Conjugation in biology

In the field of biology , conjugation is the fusion of cell nuclei for reproductive purposes . The process of transferring genetic information that begins in a donor cell and goes to a recipient cell is known as bacterial conjugation .

The notion is also used in physics to name the operation that converts the states of a particle into states of its corresponding antiparticle.