Definition of



The union of two rivers with similar flows is called a confluence.

In order to discover the meaning of the term confluence , we are going, first of all, to know what its etymological origin is. In this case, we can state that it is a word that derives from Latin, specifically it comes from confluentia , which is the result of the sum of the following components:

-The prefix con- , which can be translated as “together”.

-The verb fluere , which is synonymous with “flow” or “flow”.

-The suffix -nte , which is used to indicate “agent”.

-The suffix -ia , which is used to refer to “quality”.

Concept of confluence

Confluence is a concept that refers to the act of confluence : concur, converge, come together. The term is usually used in the field of hydrology to refer to the place where two or more water currents join.

The confluence, therefore, is the place where the waters come together. They can be rivers , seas or other water courses. The notion can be associated with the idea of ​​mouth , although it is possible to establish certain differences.

At a confluence, both watercourses have similar dimensions. At a mouth, however, these dimensions are unequal. Therefore, when two rivers have a similar size and flow, they converge; but if one is much larger, one of the rivers flows into the other.


A union of elements can be called a confluence.

Some examples

At the confluence of the Paranaíba River and the Grande River , for example, the Paraná River is born. This confluence is located in Brazil , between the states of Mato Grosso do Sul , Minas Gerais and São Paulo .

The Argentine province of Río Negro , for its part, has a department called Confluencia , made up of cities such as Neuquén , Cutral-Co , Plottier , Senillosa , Villa El Chocón and Plaza Huincul , among others. The name of this administrative division is related to the presence in the area of ​​the confluence of the Neuquén and Limay rivers .

Confluence in politics

Within the political sphere, the concept of confluence is widely used. In this case it is used to refer to a broad front that comes to promote a specific political program that has been developed by an open group, inclusive of different movements and political actors and even open.

In the case of Spain, this type of confluence has been very clearly established thanks to the Podemos formation, which has included transversal candidates who have managed to succeed in the country's large cities. Thus, for example, it has led to Manuela Carmena becoming mayor of the capital, Madrid , and Ada Colau becoming mayor of Barcelona , ​​among other significant cases.

It is a way of showing popular unity in the face of partisan interests and that is precisely where its appeal lies and what its voters trust.

The union of elements

It should be noted that the idea of ​​confluence is also used to name, in a broad sense, the union or convergence of two elements .

“The confluence of the unions' demands and the students' protests could cause a crisis in the government” y “The confluence of two players of such quality in the team is vital for our aspirations” son frases que muestran este uso.