Definition of

discursive connector

Linguistic unit

A discourse connector is a linguistic unit that allows different parts of a text to be linked.

Connector is an adjective that is used to refer to that which connects (that is, that unites, links or communicates). The term is also often used as a noun. In the specific case of linguistics, a connector is a unit that makes it possible to establish a semantic link between different fragments or sentences of a text.

Discursive , meanwhile, is something that runs or is related to a discourse . A discourse, in turn, is a succession of terms and phrases; a reasoning about a topic; or the faculty of reasoning that allows inferences.

Starting from these ideas , we can focus on the definition of discursive connector . This is the name given to the element that establishes a textual relationship between the various segments of a speech .

What is a discursive connector

The discursive connector is the linguistic unit that establishes a logical link between the different parts of a textual content , giving it coherence. Thanks to these connectors, the sections can be integrated and information is communicated fluently.

It is important to keep in mind that a discourse connector is not the same as a grammatical link . While the grammatical link is an element exclusively related to grammar, the discursive connector serves to add data or even incorporate opposing views, for example .


Discursive connectors provide coherence to the content and facilitate the transmission of information.

Its functions

Broadly speaking, it can be said that discursive connectors link ideas. Its essential function is to organize the discourse and its scope ranges from exemplifying and clarifying to summarizing or concluding.

By establishing temporal, logical and other relationships between sentences , discursive connectors help make information understandable to the recipient. Their operation occurs on the textual surface , contributing to the associations they produce being interpreted within the framework of a larger unit (the discourse in question).

Types of discursive connectors

It should be noted that discourse connectors can be framed in different grammatical categories. There are conjunctions , adverbs , and conjunctive phrases that can play this role, to name a few possibilities.

Discursive connectors, likewise, can be classified as consecutive , additive or counterargumentative depending on the action they specify. It is common for the various types of connectors to be combined in a text.

Some examples

Let's see how discursive connectors work in a text : “First of all, I want to say that I am happy and grateful for this distinction. However, I am forced to reject it. Although I know that it is recognition of my work, the political situation prevents me from accepting it. Therefore, I suggest that credit go to another writer. To conclude, I call for dialogue and unity.”

In this textual fragment, we can find several discursive connectors: “first of all” , “and” , “however” , “although” , “therefore” and “to finish” are linguistic units that allow us to organize the message and make that whoever states it can transmit his ideas clearly and in an orderly manner. The structure of the text, in short, acquires its form thanks to the use of these connectors, although in many cases other equivalents could also be used without affecting the meaning of the discourse.