Definition of



A statement allows information to be made public.

A statement is a statement , a note , a report or a statement that communicates information for public knowledge. The statement can be prepared by a person, a company, an organization or a government and is usually disseminated through the mass media .

For example: “The company denied the sale rumors through a statement,” “If this continues, we will have to prepare a statement to clarify the situation,” “The club issued a statement to inform that the coach has renewed his contract.” until 2028.”

We must go to Latin to find the etymological origin of the term that concerns us now. And it emanates from the verb communicare , which can be translated as “share information.”

Objective of a statement

The objective of the statement is to reach as many people as possible so that people become aware of what it wants to convey. There is a possibility, however, that the statement is aimed at a specific audience, so it can be disseminated in specialized media.

It is important to establish that when writing a statement, the following recommendations must be taken into account:

  • It must have an original headline that is also clear, concise and direct.
  • The body of the text should begin by establishing what would be both the date and the city in which it takes place.
  • It should not have very long paragraphs and should have simple language: you should not opt ​​for very professional and overloaded vocabulary.
  • It should also be noted that the body of the communication must begin with one or two paragraphs that are of interest, that captivate the reader and that contain the most relevant information that is intended to be transmitted through it.
  • Whoever reads the statement should see how the following questions are answered: who it is about, what the news is, when what is being told is going to happen, where it takes place, why it is important or how it is going to happen.
  • At the end it must contain the contact information of the entity that issues it as well as the person who made it. In this way, the media that want to clarify doubts regarding this document or wish to expand the data will have a clear idea of ​​who they should contact to achieve that aforementioned objective.

The statements are usually sent to the media to amplify their dissemination.

An example

Suppose that, in a certain city, a group of criminals are posing as gas company workers to break into homes and steal. The company that provides the service, therefore, publishes a statement in the local newspaper to inform that its employees have a credential that identifies them and invites neighbors to contact them by phone to confirm if, in fact, the person who presents themselves As a worker, she belongs to the company's staff.

The usual thing is that the statement (also known as a press release since the intention is for it to be published in the media) is written by a public relations specialist, journalist or communication graduate who knows the publication criteria and knows how to adapt the information to a communicative structure.