Definition of

Internal communication


Internal communication is aimed at the members of an organization.

Internal communication is the process of transmitting information that takes place within an organization . The communicative actions, in this way, are aimed at the members of the entity themselves.

Understanding this concept requires, first of all, being clear about what its components refer to. In this sense, it must be said that communication is known as the sending and receiving of certain signals through a code shared by the sender and the receiver. The internal , meanwhile, is something internal: it is inside.

Internal communication, therefore, assumes that the contents transmitted do not leave the limits of the company or institution, unlike what happens with external communication (oriented outwards).

Characteristics of internal communication

It can be said that internal communication is part of organizational communication (also called institutional communication or corporate communication ). This is the communicative facet that, in a company , is addressed to employees.

This type of communication is essential for the operation of the firm . It allows managers to make their visions and objectives known, give instructions and motivate workers, for example. The staff, in turn, can forward proposals or requests to the authorities. There is also the possibility that the communication is between peers (manager-manager or employee-employee).

As you can see, internal communication develops in different directions. There can be downward communication (from the hierarchical superior to a subordinate), upward communication (from the subordinate to the hierarchical superior) or horizontal communication (between equals).

If the marketing manager sends an email to his team members, it will be a downward communication. On the other hand, if an operator presents a note addressed to the owner of the company, the communication will be upward. If we take the case of a meeting between the members of an office where everyone has the same responsibilities, on the other hand, communication will take place horizontally.

The use of linguistic signs

Internal communication can be carried out by appealing to linguistic signs or without them. These signs are units that are perceived through the senses and that associate a signifier with a meaning.

The idea of ​​a linguistic sign is usually related to the word , since this is a linguistic unit that generally has meaning. When communication is established using words, it is verbal communication .

Verbal communication, in turn, can be oral communication (developed through speech) or written communication (if the words are captured on a medium, such as a sheet of paper or a screen). In internal communication, both alternatives are combined since there are face-to-face conversations, exchange of emails, telephone calls, telegrams, etc.

Non-verbal communication , on the other hand, does without words. It can be realized with various gestures, changes in body position or hand movements, among other actions and elements. An employee who crosses his arms and raises his eyebrows while listening to his boss is resorting, perhaps even unconsciously, to non-verbal communication.


Email can be used in internal communication.

The importance of internal communication

Internal communication is of great importance in the operation of a company. It affects the work environment and motivation and is key to the transmission of the values ​​of the organizational culture .

To assume leadership of an organization, in fact, it is essential to have communication skills . A leader must have empathy and develop active listening (paying attention and showing interest in what is expressed by his interlocutors), providing feedback whenever possible so that everyone feels involved.

Overcoming communication barriers , in this framework, is also key so that messages are distributed clearly and without misunderstandings. With successful internal communication, the entity strengthens and optimizes its administrative and general direction .

The choice of channels

The choice of the appropriate communication channels in each case is another factor of enormous relevance in a company, whether for internal or external communication. The support that makes it possible for the message to go from the sender to the receiver is known as a channel .

There are channels that are useful for both types of communication, such as email , video conferencing , and messaging apps . Other instruments belong specifically to internal communication, such as an Intranet , an internal bulletin , a bulletin board located in a sector that is not open to the public or an internal chat .


Internal communication can be carried out through different channels.

Messages in internal communication

The messages in internal communication are very varied. The communication process can be started for multiple reasons and with endless purposes:

  • Communication of standards : Rules of mandatory compliance in the organization are reported.
  • Communication of objectives : Goals that managers hope to achieve are made known.
  • Communication of results : The consequences, effects or derivations of an initiative, activity or undertaking are announced.
  • Communication of achievements : What objectives were met are transmitted, which usually also includes a communication of thanks .
  • Policy communication : Strategies implemented or to be executed are announced, including in many cases the communication of procedures or the communication of corporate values .
  • Project communication : Plans, intentions or purposes that are intended to be carried out are shared. It is, therefore, a communication of more or less organized ideas .

It is evident that communication is constant within a company or institution, as well as in any other area where there are people. Human beings are social beings and need to interact to satisfy their needs and exploit their potential. Internal communication is always linked to being part of a group: many individuals make up a group and work with a common purpose, for which they must communicate.