Definition of

Intercultural communication

Intercultural dialogues

Respect, empathy, the power of adaptation and tolerance are key to forging good intercultural communication.

Intercultural communication is the act of exchanging information that involves at least two individuals of different nationality, culture, language or religion, among other variables.

This communicative phenomenon requires patience, knowledge of rules of courtesy , a good disposition towards others and the ability to adapt in order, in a context of differences, to be able to generate an approach or bond that allows the message to be broadcast and received correctly.

As customs , social norms and languages ​​or dialects vary from one place to another, it is essential to take into account certain criteria when starting a conversation and demonstrate cultural sensitivity in order to exhaust all resources to make yourself understood by others and achieve an adequate interpretation of gestures and/or words .

Challenges of intercultural communication

Intercultural communication has evolved over the years and benefits largely from technological advances but still faces numerous challenges.

More efforts are required, for example, to overcome cultural barriers , confront acts of discrimination (with prevention tasks in the first place and with the corresponding punishment once they occur) and avoid ethnocentrism . We must also continue working on an international scale to promote harmonious coexistence between peoples and, essentially, combat the ignorance that generates prejudices , limitations , rejections and cultural stereotypes .

Globalization has given way to more than one multicultural society , which is why it is essential to sow values ​​related to tolerance , empathy , solidarity , respect and cooperation in each community. It is necessary and valuable to build bridges based on understanding , active listening , collaboration , trust and diversity .

It is easy, nowadays, to incorporate language knowledge, become familiar with foreign customs and come into contact with people of multiple nationalities thanks to the learning and communication possibilities that arise with Internet access and the massive use of social networks . Traveling around the world also invites you to discover and appreciate numerous cultures and lifestyles , just as employment and/or study abroad enhance intercultural ties. It is key, in the face of this panorama, to adopt a flexible and understanding attitude, demonstrate a willingness to socialize and develop cultural intelligence .

Cultural values

Artistic expressions such as dance and music favor the dissemination of socio-cultural values ​​and encourage both inclusion and cultural exchanges.

Scopes, contexts and applications

It is interesting to focus attention on the scope and applications of intercultural communication without losing sight of the numerous contexts in which it can (and should) take place.

Experts in anthropology and those who specialize in the field of psychology , as well as those dedicated to sociology and linguistics , place the focus of many of their studies on the characteristics of intercultural communication . This kind of knowledge is essential to perform well in the fields of international relations , politics , diplomacy and tourism .

Achieving optimal intercultural communication is also ideal within the framework of language teaching and in translation and interpretation tasks because it is not enough to educate oneself about the grammatical aspects, meanings and pronunciations of words of a given language: for a Comprehensive learning requires notions of culture , history , habits and traditions , and non-verbal communication .

Requirements for optimal intercultural communication

From the analysis of practice arise the requirements or conditions that must be attempted to be met in order to establish optimal intercultural communication .

First of all, you need will , desire and energy to learn, adapt and bond with others despite differences. Another important element is clarity when using verbal communication , just as interaction is enriching to be able to forge a bond and exchange experiences based on trust , cordiality , affection and reciprocal respect .

It is essential to use tools to, from theory, learn to use and apply a second language correctly, being able to strengthen knowledge through practice . In this framework, appropriate communicative competence and a desire to improve are required to evolve in mastering more than one language.


By knowing, preserving and disseminating their traditions, the members of a community develop a strong sense of belonging and remain connected to the history, identity and customs of their people.

Technology and media in favor of communication

Technological innovation , the wide availability of devices with Internet access and the proliferation of media , information media and content platforms stimulate intercultural training and, even if only virtually, bring together individuals who live in remote geographies and do not have, sometimes, a religion , a culture , a nationality or a common language .

Appreciating the typical art of a community, whether visiting a museum , browsing specialized websites , visiting an exhibition , attending cultural festivals or listening to traditional music from a certain region or nation, is another way to connect, in person or remotely. , with the cultural identity of a people. Traveling, reading, studying and, especially, dialogue are basic and essential actions to have excellent results in intercultural communication .