Definition of

Written communication


A press release is usually based on written communication.

Written communication is a communicative process that is carried out through a code embodied in writing . Due to its characteristics, it is not necessary for the sender and receiver to coincide in time and space.

It should be noted that the idea of ​​communication refers to the sending and receiving of signals using a certain code. The written , meanwhile, is what is expressed through writing: the representation of concepts with signs that are traced on a surface.

Returning to the notion of written communication, it means that the sender writes his message and sends it to the receiver, who must read it to become aware of the content . Then the receiver can respond, then generating an interaction.

Introduction to written communication

Written communication represented a great advance for humanity. It was key to the dissemination of knowledge and to allowing knowledge to remain over time.

With oral communication , initially it was necessary for the sender and receiver to be in the same place simultaneously. The only way to transmit the message was by word of mouth, which made storing the content very difficult (it depended on memory and the transmission from person to person not being interrupted).

Pictograms represented the first type of written communication. These were drawings that allowed concepts to be represented, as was done in hieroglyphics . Over time, alphabets emerged that made it possible for verbal communication (with words as signs) to be fixed on supports.

Literary criticism

The publication of a literary criticism in a newspaper supposes the materialization of a written communication.

Main features

Written communication requires that the message respect various rules. When writing, the rules imposed by spelling , grammar and syntax must be considered so that the message, when read, can be understood.

If an individual writes a letter without punctuation marks, to mention one possibility, it is likely that the recipient will have difficulty interpreting what the sender intended to express.

Written communication, on the other hand, is not simultaneous . Although the delay varies depending on the medium, there is a temporal distance between writing and receiving. In a chat through instant messaging on social networks, the time is minimal; in an email it is a little older; in a letter , even bigger.

This feature provides the possibility of reviewing, analyzing and editing what is written before sending it . It should be taken into account that, in general, written communication is not ephemeral but can be returned to over and over again, which means that it is very important to be careful.

Digital publishing

In a digital publication, written communication is combined with images and audiovisual content.

Types of written communication

Written communication can be personal , group or mass . If an employee sends an email to his boss, the communication is individual. But if that same employee uses the WhatsApp application to send the same written message to five colleagues in addition to his boss, the communication becomes a group communication. Meanwhile, a famous artist who publishes a statement on his social networks, where he has millions of followers, creates a written communication with massive reach.

Written communication also varies according to its purpose. You can propose argumentation (justifying a position), aim at persuasion (seeking to convince), make an exposition (list events through a narrative) or focus on a description (detailing traits or characteristics), to name a few possibilities.

The channel used also determines the development of written communication. When writing is done on paper, that physical support has to be transferred to the receiver. On the other hand, if the writing is carried out with a computer keyboard (computer) or a telephone, the sending of the message is virtual .

Journalism and literature

In the world of journalism , written communication is extremely relevant. In fact, it constitutes the essence of newspapers and magazines , whose articles focus on the text captured on the pages.

The interviews , reports , reviews and the rest of the notes in the graphic press are based on the written words. Although they may include images, the essential thing is the textual component.

When it comes to digital publications, the situation is a little different, since written communication is just one more component that is combined with photographs, illustrations, videos, audios, etc. Take the case of a blog post : it can feature ten paragraphs of text, ten photographs, three videos, and two interactive animations. Written communication, therefore, coexists with others on equal terms.

In literature , likewise, written communication is essential. A book, whether a novel, poetry, a story or an expression of another genre, presents words as the main protagonists. The most recognized writers, of course, have a great talent for using words, mastering the language with mastery.