Definition of

Digital communication

Home office

Digital communication allows teleworking and online learning.

Digital communication is the sending and/or receiving of information through an electronic medium . The concept is usually associated with the dissemination of content via the Internet .

It should be noted that the idea of ​​communication refers to the transmission of signals using a code shared by the receiver and the sender . The adjective digital , meanwhile, qualifies that which produces, displays, transfers or stores data through a combination of bits.

Digital communication concept

Digital communication implies that a message is transmitted in a format that certain devices recognize. Currently, given the advance of digitalization and technology in general, this type of communication can simultaneously combine several channels and media.

Although the notion is broader, today it is generally linked to what is communicated over the Web. Social networks such as Facebook , Twitter , Instagram , LinkedIn and Pinterest ; platforms such as YouTube and TikTok ; and even instant messaging systems such as WhatsApp , Telegram , Skype , Zoom and Snapchat make digital communication possible.

As can be seen, the concept is used both to refer to a massive dissemination of news, knowledge, etc., and to a private exchange between two people. The key is in the digital nature of the process, unlike what happens with analog communication.

Many times digital communication arises due to technological evolution: a newspaper that printed its copies can now publish its notes on a website. Thus, unless you opt for the coexistence of both resources, digital transformation leads you to do without paper and stop offering a physical product in favor of virtual content .

In other cases, these are digital native media . A network of thematic blogs or a podcast production company are born as 100% electronic proposals, with no precedents in other formats.

Social media

Social media emerged thanks to the evolution of the digital community.

Its importance in the business world

Digital communication is key to the operation of a company. Whether to share information internally or to make their proposals known in the market, companies are always developing this type of communication processes.

Digital marketing , in this framework, is transcendental. It is now essential to have profiles or pages on social networks and build online communities , as well as have a website that meets the criteria of responsive design so that it can be accessed from a cell phone or mobile phone.

There is also value in answering queries with chatbots , taking advantage of artificial intelligence and augmented reality , and enabling e-commerce to reach customers, to name a few other possibilities.

The idea is to be available to people in multiple channels and avenues. As access to information is usually digital, communication must be in tune.


Streaming platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Spotify make use of digital communication.

Journalism and digital communication

Due to the hyperconnection of today, journalism has been oriented towards digital communication. Although print media (newspapers, magazines) and analogue media (AM and FM radio, television) persist, most of the content is broadcast and consumed on the Internet .

It must be considered that digital communication can be multimedia, so the media have to adapt to this reality. The digital version of a newspaper includes videos, audios and animations, something that cannot be offered from a paper page. A radio station with live broadcast of its programs via the Web, meanwhile, can have cameras in the studio to capture and disseminate images, unlike what happened a few years ago.

Journalists, in this framework, have to adapt to the phenomenon. Writing a text for a printed magazine is not the same as writing a text for a web portal. Digital writing must respect SEO (search engine optimization) criteria to achieve good positioning in search engines and, therefore, achieve visibility. Whoever hosts a radio program that is also transmitted with video, meanwhile, cannot handle the same codes as in the analog era.

Each journalist, in turn, must be involved in the dissemination and promotion of their work. Social networks help fulfill this purpose and also encourage exchange with recipients (readers, listeners, viewers, etc.).

Main advantages

Digital communication offers numerous advantages. One of the most notable is that it eliminates geographical and temporal distances since messages are transmitted instantly and are generally accessible from anywhere: only a device with an Internet connection is needed.

On a general level, digital communication reduces costs . It is cheaper to send an email (email) than a postal letter, or make a call via WhatsApp than to use the telephone line.

Digital communication, on the other hand, drives interactions . It is very easy to communicate with a company, a media outlet or even a government agency thanks to the wide availability of media and channels.