Definition of

Assertive communication


Assertive communication requires persuasion skills.

Assertive communication is that which involves the transmission of opinions and ideas in a firm manner but always maintaining respect for others . In this way, it encourages feedback and contributes to conflict resolution in a constructive way.

It is important to analyze the two terms that make up this concept before moving forward. Communication is the process of sending and receiving signals through a code shared by the sender and the receiver. Assertive, meanwhile, is an adjective that is used in psychology to refer to the individual who knows how to express himself with confidence and clarity, defending his position although without attacking or belittling his interlocutor.

Importance of assertive communication

Assertive communication is a type of interaction that enables the exchange of information, thoughts and sensations in a respectful manner . This encourages the establishment of links where each person has space and freedom to express themselves.

When assertive communication is developed, aggression is avoided, stress is reduced and decision-making based on consensus is encouraged.

Assertive communication is key in many areas. At work, for example, it helps maintain a good work environment and encourages innovation and cooperation . Those who communicate assertively are also more likely to develop effective leadership.

This communication style leads the individual to clearly express what he or she wants to say and at the right time. By respecting your own will and needs, you also take into account the wishes of others, exercising active listening and acting with empathy .


In diplomacy, assertive communication is essential.

How to develop it

The development of assertive communication requires taking into account several issues. It is essential that the subject work on his self-esteem : without self-confidence, there is no assertiveness.

Self-control is also necessary to achieve clarity in communication. It is essential to transmit the desired content calmly and be open to constructive feedback . Good emotional management must be achieved, therefore, relaxation techniques are valuable in this framework.

The brevity of the message is another pillar of assertive communication. When an argument is very extensive, building consensus becomes difficult.

Another important issue is error recognition . Knowing how to apologize is a sign of respect.

It can be mentioned that sincerity , coherence , tact and eloquence are among the values ​​and skills that must be reinforced for the development of assertive communication.

In addition to what has been expressed, a series of recommendations must be taken into account to improve assertiveness in communication. Practicing what you will say, paying attention to non-verbal language , and reflecting on how you communicate are useful practices.


Assertive communication allows for constructive criticism.

Examples of assertive communication

Let's take the case of a young man who is participating in a work meeting where everyone is older than him and has more experience. The boy carries out empathetic listening and, when he finds the opportunity to express himself, he indicates in a firm but friendly tone of voice while making eye contact with each of the participants: «Everything you say is very interesting, but I would like to share my opinion with you. . I think we could have a different approach . Thus, the boy offers positive feedback , presents his position and demonstrates his social skills for teamwork.

In family communication there must also be assertiveness. Let's think about a mother who is trying to guide her teenage son, trying to establish limits but, at the same time, allowing him to develop with a margin of freedom. It is key that the woman resort to her emotional intelligence, be attentive to the expression of needs and the vulnerability of her descendant and open herself to an open dialogue although without losing her authority. In this way, it could be expressed in the following way: «I understand what you are telling me and I appreciate that you trust me. Keep in mind that I have also been your age, so I have gone through similar situations and I would like to help you navigate them, like my parents did for me .

Let's see what happens with police officers who must prevent excesses and incidents at a protest. It is essential that there is mutual respect with the protesters: a negotiation must be entered into so that the right to protest can be exercised without violating other rights. With appropriate body language and proper stress management, agents should communicate that they will not allow excesses and that they are willing to contribute to solving problems. A police chief, in this context, communicates to one of the organizers of the protest: "Rest assured, no one will prevent you from expressing yourself. But be clear that we will not allow situations of violence or damage to public space."

To fully understand the notion, we can review the same situations but now with expressions of non-assertive communication . If the young man in the work meeting raised his voice to say "Be quiet for a bit, you've already talked too much and I can explain many things to you," the result would have been very different. The same thing if the mother told her son "You don't know what you're doing so I'm not interested in your excuses" or if the police authority pointed out to the protesters "I don't know your reasons for being on the street but know that, in any case "I am the one in charge in this place and you will have to follow my instructions at all times."