Definition of



The idea of ​​computation usually refers to the calculations made by computer equipment.

A computation is an account or calculation . The calculations allow statistics or the result of a vote to be reflected.

For example: “The last score has not been recorded on the scoreboard,” “The provisional counts reflect a large victory for the official candidate,” “According to the official count, our team has a three-point lead.”

Computation in the theory of computing

The notion of computation, which derives from the Latin compŭtus , is also used within the framework of the theory of computation , the branch of mathematics that specializes in the fundamental capabilities of computers . These machines are responsible for using mathematical models to make calculations.

The theory of computing began to develop with the intention of finding a universal method that would allow all mathematical problems to be solved. In this way, scientists began to work with algorithms (prewritten sets of ordered and finite instructions that make it possible to carry out an activity in successive steps).

Turing machine

Precisely closely related to the aforementioned theory are what are called computable functions . Specifically, they are all those functions that become the object of study and analysis by it. In addition, it should also be noted that they have the particularity that they can be calculated by using what is known as the Turing machine .

This device is none other than a system that is based on the use of a table of rules and symbols that are manipulated and placed on a specific tape.


Alan Turing created a device that represents a computing machine.

Types of computing functions

The difficulty presented by these computable functions has been highly analyzed throughout history and the result of this statement determines that when we proceed to solve a problem related to them, with their calculation, the resolution of what is carried out is carried out. It is known as the function problem.

Specifically, we would have to establish that these functions can be of two types. Thus, on the one hand, there are computables , which are those that are developed using a Boolean type operator.

And on the other hand, there would be partially computable functions , which are those in which a recessively enumerable set takes center stage.

The computability

Applied to computing , the algorithm becomes a function that transforms input data (which is part of a problem) into output data (the solution to said problem) .

One of the main questions of the theory of computation, therefore, is computability . This concept analyzes the limits of problem solving through algorithms. When a problem cannot be solved through computation, it places a limit on computation.

In addition to all this, it should be noted that the theory of computability is closely related to the aforementioned Turing machine . Thus, much of its work is done based on what problems it can solve or the formalisms that are linked to it.

Ecclesiastical calculation

The ecclesiastical calculation , finally, is the set of calculations that are carried out to determine when the day of Easter and other movable religious festivals is.

The concept, in this way, acquires importance in the term of religion since it contributes to organizing the calendar of celebrations.